Chapter 9:

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It's finally Saturday and I was waiting for this day to come. Tonight I will have some fun with Karen at Joshua's party. I wake up around nine and head to the kitchen to find my father sit around the counter with a mug of something in hands. "Where's mom?" I ask. "Good morning" he says and I roll my eyes "She's still asleep" he tells me. 

I pour myself cereal and a cup of juice and start to eat. I'm starving since I didn't have dinner last night. "Why can't I have my car back?" I ask him. "It's no longer with us" he shrugs and I swear I can see a slight smile on his face. Asshole! "You know I won't be able to afford one with this shitty job" I beg. "Find another one then" he says. Like it was easy to get a good job if you don't have a freaking college degree. "Well, you know what? You're such an idiot" I groan and he chuckles. "Whats so funny?" my mom says, coming from behind him and kissing his cheeks. I feel like vomiting right now, to be honest. 

"Nothing new, Sam is just cussing me out here" he shrugs, like it's no big deal. And It's not, really. "Oh, so lovely of you, Sam" she says. What the fuck is happening here? "I can't deal with you two" I mumble, pushing the cereal bowl away and standing up, going to my room. They're both asshole that deserve themselves. Like, what the fuck I was trying to have a serious conversation and my father is all cynical and ironic as fuck.

*I'll pick you up at eight, be ready* Karen texts me and I thank her for inviting me for the party. I wouldn't stand to stay at home saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. cynicism. I walk to my desk on my room and turn the stereo on, turning up to the maximum volume to the sound of one of my favourite bands Imagine Dragons. 

I grab my laptop and sit on my bed. I have to find another job to be able to afford a new car. But it's so damn hard! I even apply for some but I hate to wait the answer. I scroll through my facebook page and check my emails. I have nothing to do really. If I had a car I could go to a bar and have a drink, but nope. 

"Samantha!" I hear my mom's voice calling my name out loud after a few hours. "What?" I yell back. "Come here for a minute please" she asks and I roll my eyes, leaving my room to find my parents cuddling on the couch. Fucking great, why are they so... annoyingly romantic today? "What?" I snap. 

"Don't make plans for tonight, we're going out" she lets me know. She can't be serious. There's not a single saturday I don't have plans, why would she assume I already don't have one? "I already have plans so.." I mumble. "So cancel it" my father shrugs. "Ha ha" I mock, rolling my eyes at him. "Gordon is throwing a dinner party tonight, you remember him right?" My mom asks, smiling. "Uhm, no?" I don't remember any fucking Gordon.

"He's your father's friend from college, you met him last month I think. He came to dinner here, he just got in town.." I cut her off "Okay, I remember him. But I'm still not coming. You two have fun though" I say, walking away to my room, but my lovely father calls me again "Hey, it wasn't a request. You're going with us" he groans. "The hell I will" I smile ironically at him. "Don't you talk to me like that" he raises his voice "Would you two stop? I'm getting so tired of this! You can't be in the same room without picking a fight with each other, for goodness sakes!" my mom squeaks, standing up from the couch. I don't even answer her, I just turn on my heels and head to my room. I'll let them think that I will go to the fucking dinner with them. Ha ha, poor mom and dad. Why would my presence be so important anyway? It's not like Gordon and I are best friends, I don't even remember how he looks like and I'm sure as hell he won't miss me at all. 

*Pick me up earlier, like around six, please* I text Karen. I know they'd be leaving around the same time and I really don't want to be here when they go and try to drag me with them. 

*do u really want to hang out on my dorm until the party?* she replies me two seconds later.

*it doesnt matter. i just want to escape from here asap* I tell her.

*Okay, i'll be there at five, just to please you :) lol* I giggle at the screen, thanking god for having Karen to save my skin when I need and by need I mean don't have a fucking car. 

Hours later I quickly shower and still wrapped with a towel I head to the kitchen to make me a plate of chicken that I find on the fridge because I really don't want to wait for my mom's lunch. "This is from a couple days ago, are you sure you don't want to wait for lunch?" she asks me "Positive" I say with my mouth full, heading back to my room. 

After I finish my old dry chicken, I go to my closet and find my ripped washed blue jeans and a cropped t-shirt that reaches slightly over my belly button. I put my converse on and brush my hair, ironing my hair and making it aboslutely straight and long. The only makeup I apply is my everyday eyeliner and a clear lipstick. I feel ready to leave and thankfully, I hear Karen's horn outside. I look through the window and see her old but still nice as hell car, and I reach to the front door. 

"Where do you think you're going?" My mom asks me, setting the table. "I said I had plans. I'm going out" I tell her, grabbing the key on the hanger "But.." she tries and I cut her off "Don't wait for me" I yell after I shut the door closed. 

"Hey" I say a bit breathless for the run when I step into Karen's car. "You look adorable" she tells me smiling and I roll my eyes at her "Can we go?" I tell her and she laughs at me "Geez, are you on your pms?" she asks me and I ignore her question, of course. 

Later, we're both ready and heading to Joshua's house. It's huge, just like I remember. It's filled with people already and it looks like the frat parties, to be honest. "Nice" I say, grabbing a red cup from a girl's hand. "Vodka, I love you" I cheer after I gulp from the cup. "That's disgusting, you know. To drink from a stranger's cup" she mocks me and I give her the middle finger. "What if she peed on it" she jokes and I hit her arm, leading us to laugh. 

"Are you fucking kidding me" I gasp, looking ahead of me. "what?" Karen asks, following my look and when she finds it, she laughs really hard and loud. He's here. Kyle is fucking here. And when I sight him, the only thing that comes to my mind is the way my fingers felt when I was thinking about him on the shower. "Fuck" I sigh. "What's wrong?" She asks me, still laughing. I try my best to dismiss her because I feel like i'm blushing with the memory, but it's too late to stop blushing when he turns around and sees me. Damn it. 

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