Chapter 14:

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"You are not even allowed to be here so suck it up" Karen remarks when we step out of her car and start to walk towards the bonfire.

"I know" I roll my eyes "I'm just saying that bonfires are stupid" 

"So why did you come?" she asks me raising her tone.

"a) I was bored, b) I would never spend the satuday night with my parents, c) you mentioned booze" she quickly relax and we both burst in laughter before we take a seat around the bonfire. 

Someone strange to me, but apparently friends with Karen, bring us two red cups and when I smell it and notice it's probably vodka mixed with something else.

'What's that shit anyway?" I ask Karen and she shrugs.

"Do you really need to know what you're drinking?" she laughs.

"I was just curious" I gulp from my drink and the taste is heavenly "It's so good!" I exclaim and she nods, gulping on her drink too. 

A couple hours and a few drinks later, Karen is obviously gone with someone I don't have any idea of who it is and I find myself alone wandering around the bonfire lost in thoughts. Actually, just lost. I feel so drunk and dizzy that I can't put my shit together for once. I laugh alone, ignoring the weird and amused looks from the other people next to me and I keep walking until I run into someone's chest. "Hey, sorry" I mumble, my voice sounding so funny it makes me laugh. This drink must be something really strong to make me feel so numb. 

"It's okay" I immediately hear the familiarity of this voice and I look up to see Kyle's smirk. I should've known he would be here. Of course he would, he studies here with these people. Why wouldn't he? "Why are you here?" he asks me, helping me to stand on my feet, still smiling at me. Probably holding back a laughter. 

"What could I possibly be doing here?" I roll my eyes and he raises his hands in defense. "Just asking" he shrugs, crossing his arm around my shoulder. I think about jerk it off but I'm too numb for that so I just keep walking with him. "You should go home, you clearly had too much to drink" he remarks stopping our little walk close to the driveway. 

"I'm not driving and I really have no clue about where Karen is right now" I still sound funny and it makes me laugh again. I always liked the sound of my numb voice when I'm drunk but its getting too weird. "Jesus christ, they must have putted some strong shit here" I nod to my cup, staring at the clear liquid on the bottom of it. I take the last gulp and toss the cup on the grass.

"I can drive you" he suggests, ignoring my last comment. "You can text your friend to let her know, I'm sure she won't even look for you at the end of the night though" he playfully smiles and I roll my eyes "she won't be coming back to the bonfire actually" I know her too well and I'm sure as hell she will be spending the night with whoever she's with. 

"So let's go" he says, nodding to his car right in front of us. He goes straight to the vehicle and I keep standing there, just looking at him. I'm not sure if I should go with him, we all know what happens when we're together and I don't want it to happen anymore just because he's an asshole. "What?" he asks me and I shake my head no. "Come on, you have no other option" he remarks and he's probably right, but still...

"I can find someone else to... you know, drive me" I mumble "I don't want to leave just now" I shrug. "If you stay, you'll drink even more. I won't let this happen" he walks towards me again, his tone is now deep and his expression is serious. He really means that? "Oh, okay" I giggle "You don't get to allow anything for me" I snap, turning on my heels to walk away but he grabs my arm forcing me to face him again.

"I do if you're only one drink to get into a fucking coma" he spits, startling me by his harsh tone. "Stop that" I whine, jerking his hands off of me. "Samantha" he growls and I can't help but grin at him. I don't even know why, I just find it amusing the fact that he thinks he can boss me like that. "Kyle" I joke but he doesn't smile. "Get in the car" he warns. 

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