Chapter 11:

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"Way better than the party, you must say" Kyle mocks, and I laugh. "Yea, it wasn't that bad" I tease. I'm still a little breathless but slowly composing myself. He's laid right by my side, face to face. "It felts awkward and odd" I remark and he frowns causing me to burst in laughter "No, I didn't mean it this way!" I squeaks "I mean... I don't usually have sober sex" I giggle and he roll his eyes. "You should. It's good as hell, you're the one to tell" he says smirking. "You're so full of yourself, oh my god" I slap his arm and he smiles at me. "I wanted to do that in the club" Kyle mumbles and I laugh at him. 

"Why didn't you?" I tease and his eye go wide "You got so weird after I kissed you, I didn't even have the chance" he squeaks. "I did not! " I yell and he laughs. "Of course you did, you were so weird" 

"I wasn't! I was just... too drunk" I lie. The fact is I was caught off guard and I don't like when it happens only because it doesn't happen! "Right" he rolls his eyes and I roll mine as well. "I think we both should stop doing this" he mocks. 

"I'm hungry" I speak out breaking the silence that has landed for several minutes. "Let me order a pizza, is that good?" he asks me and I nod. He gets up from the bed, wrapping his naked body into the sheet and leaving me there alone and naked over his bed. I get up and dress my panties and my t-shirt, sitting on the edge of the bed to see my phone. There's a text from Karen. Actually, there's more than just one. 

*Where you headed to?* 

*Hey, answer me!!! This party sucks!!* 

*i'm so fuckin drunk i cant even i need u to drive for me if ur sober* 

*stop fucking kyle and come get me!!!* it reads, they all have at least ten minutes of break between one another and when Kyle returns to the bedroom I'm laying on my back bursting in laughter.

"What happened?" he asks me, sitting next  to me. "Talk to me" He says.

"Nothing, forget it" I say, sitting straight and cleaning the tear that was falling on my cheek. 

"The pizza will be here in fifteen minutes" he tells me and I nod "Why did you put your clothes on?" he smirks "Now you're overdressed" he adds pouting.

"I'm not going to eat naked, Kyle" I remark. "Will you take me back to Joshua's after we eat? I need to drive Karen home" I roll my eyes.

"Yea, sure" he says "I bet it doesn't happen a lot, right?" he asks and I don't say anything, just look confused at him "You know, you're the one to drive someone else home. You're the sober one" he says and I giggle, rolling my eyes.

"Yea, it's pretty rare for me" I say "It sucks though" I add "By the way, why on earth were you at that party?" I ask him the question I was doing to myself since the moment I saw him there. 

"Uhm, someone invited me" he simply says "my sister and John's girlfriend are bestfriends so.." I nod at him, getting a little more curious than I usually am. 

"Your sister was there?" I ask and he nods "Is she older than you?" 

"No, she's twenty one" and that's when I realize I never asked him how old he is. Fuck, he's older than twenty one! "How old are you?" I finally ask. 

"I'm twenty three. Any more question, you nosey?" he mocks and I shake my head, rolling my eyes and giving him the middle finger. 

By the time the pizza arrives, we finally eat and it's already one in the morning. "Fuck, I need to get Karen" I groan and he nods, leaving the pizza over the sink and grabbing his keys so we can go "You man want to dress up your clothes before we leave" I remind him, seeing he's only wearing his boxers. "You sure need to dress up your jeans too, smart ass" he mocks and I almost choke because I didn't realize I was with my panties and my t-shirt only, oh my god. We both burst into a laughter while we dress up our clothes and leave the apartment. 

"Uhm, thank you for the ride" I quietly say and he's smile. "Just for that?" he asks and I hit his arm, rolling my eyes. "Why do you have to be such an asshole, for fuck sakes?" I snap, stepping out of his car. "I think I'll see you soon?" he yells laughing and I show him the middle finger before I pace through the crowd to find Karen. 

I scan through the living room used as a dance floor and I spot her hanging on some random guy's neck. I walk towards them and I grab her arm. "Let's go" I groan. "Why are you so grumpy?" her drunk voice makes me giggle but I hold back. "You texted me twenty times asking me to come so here I am, let's go!" I raise my voice "Okay" she pouts, "You call me?" the guy asks her and he smiles at him but she doesn't answer him. "Okay, let's go!" I repeat, pulling her by the arm and dragging her outside. "Are you really sober?" she asks me with wide eyes and I roll mine. "Yea, what's so surprising?" I ask her even though I know what's so surprising. The fact that I'm not fucking drunk, that is. 

"Where were you?" she asks me after we're already on the road. Her head is leaned against the window and her eyes are closed. She must be really fucked up to be like that. "Around town" I try to dismiss her and seems to work because she fell asleep. 

I park the car in front of her dorms and drag her asleep ass outside, searching for her keys in her pockets and opening the door quietly to not wake her roommate. I walk in with her and she mumbles something senseless when I throw her useless body over her bed. I won't undress her and shit, I'll just leave her here. "Karen" I whisper "Hey, Karen" I try again "Fuck Karen!" I whisper almost shouting. I'll just take her car and leave a text message letting her know I'll bring it back tomorrow. 

I drive back home and when I finally get to my bedroom, surprised for the fact that non of my parents came to yell at me for being home so late and don't call to let them know blah blah blah, the same shit. I grab my phone and text Karen, blocking the screen right after. I head to the bathroom to remove the makeup of my face and take my jeans off so I'll sleep in my t-shirt and panties, as I always do. 

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