Chapter 8:

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The week goes by pretty fast and I'm glad it's friday when I finally get home from work. 

"How was your day?" my mom asks me when I shut the door, hanging my key next to it. "Just like any other day, a pretty huge massive shit day" I tell her, smiling. "When will I get my car back?" I ask her. She looks up at me and throw me a glare. I'm just asking, geez! "Talk to your father about it. I don't know" she says, returning her attention to whatever shit she's putting into the oven. I walk towards my room, reminding myself to have a serious conversation about my car with my dad when he gets home. Actually, he was supposed to be here already. He's always home when I get home. I close the door to my room and lock it, letting my phone on the nightstand next to my bed and removing my jeans from my body. I dress a comfortable cotton shorts and take my t-shirt off, hanging around my bedroom the more comfortable I can with the shorts and my black bra. 

I open my drawer and reach for the back of it, grabbing my so beloved rolls of weed. I sit next to my open window and stare outside as I light it up and suck the smoke into my lungs. It feels good and relax me immediately when I let the smoke out, blowing it out of the window. My mom will probably pound at my door at any moment as soon as she finds out what I'm doing, but I don't really give a shit anyway. 

After my three cigaretts, I feel pretty high and not so smart. I close the window and throw myself on my bed, laying on my stomach and reaching for my phone to text Karen. 

*I'm so fucking high right now lol* I tell her and wait for her response. She takes a while so I toss the phone away and get up to take a shower. Maybe it'll sober me up but I highly doubt so. As the hot water flushes down my body, I begin to remember the night at the club with Kyle. He was so good touching me, he did it so well I was paralyzed at first, I could barely speak or move when his hands landed on my waist then on my hips. His hands felt  so good I wanna feel them again.

Wait, why am I having pervert thought about asshole? That's the fucking weed talking, not me. Fuck, I have to stop smoking this shit then. But I can't control my mind, traveling around the memories of his lips on mine, fast and delicate at the same time. Wild but sweet. He's so good at everything. The fact that he grabbed me like that just makes me... Ugh, horny as fuck. 

Fuck. I'm quiting drugs, that's it. How on earth can I be thinking about him like that? I don't stand this guy. He's nice I guess, he can put me inside clubs for free and all this shit but I can't deny the fact that he is indeed an asshole. Some hot, pervert and delicious asshole. But still an asshole, damn it. 

I just realize how turned on I am when I notice where my hands are heading to. They're almost... there. For gods sakes don't tell me I was about to... Well... thinking about fucking asshole Kyle! Those weed was pretty heavy, I need to talk to Karen to slow down on that shit. 

But I don't have any more control over my hands when I remember his words "We can always solve that problem" he said when I told him I didn't want to get wet by the rain. The smirk on his face makes my body tremble in desire and I feel like I'm going insane and I definitely need to quit the smoking shit. "Call me if you get any wetter" It was supposed to be funny and it was, but God the effect these words are having right now on my drugged high body scares the hell out of me. "God" I moan, feeling my fingers reach the so sensible place on me. 


I stop immediately when I realize what the fuck i'm doing. I can't be touching myself thinking about him, for goodness sakes. I shut the water off and wrap my body in a white towel, heading back to my room. 

After I put on a t-shirt and my panties, I go back to bed and reach to my phone. 

*Tell me the news :)* Karen's text says. She wouldn't want to hear the news... 

*I want my car :(* I tell her. 

*That's not new lmao* it reads and I tell her to fuck off and block the screen of my phone. I hear a soft knock on my door and I roll my eyes, aware of who it is. 

"Sam, can I talk to you?" my mom says. "Uhm, yea sure just a minute" I tell her and I run to my drawer to put on my shorts. I unlock the door and rush back to sit on my bed. 

"Your father said you won't have your car until you can afford one" I knew it, I always knew that was the point of getting me a job in the first place, then take my car away from me. "Is it fixed at least?" I ask her. She pouts and I already know I was right about it too. "No, it's not even with us anymore" she says, her voice showing a little bit of pity actually. "Okay" I simply say "You're not mad?" she asks me. "Of course I am. If he wants to have a fucking father and daughter relationship with me, he has to stop being such an annoying asshole" I snap. Her eyes immediately go wide as she chages her tone to pity from angry. "Stop calling him names like that!" she squeaks "He's trying to teach you a lesson you should've learned years ago" she says, standind up from the edge of my bed and heading to the door. 

"Also, don't think for a minute i'm not smelling the weed in the air, Samantha" she spits and I hold back a small laughter "and don't think I don't realize by your tone how high you are" she says. "Okay mom, I got it. You know I'm high, it's okay I wasn't hiding from you anyway" I shrug "You should at least high. You can not be proud of smoke that shit" she says "Okay" I tell her. 

She growls and slam my door closed behind her. I start to laugh so loud I can't even breath. I'm so high I don't have the control over my mouth anymore and I laugh until I fall asleep. 

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