Chapter 8 - Better than expected

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"How about here?" Yuri suggested to me as she pointed to a cafe. But i have other plans.

"Hey uh... what time should you be back by?" I asked her so i could know how much time we have left.

"It's 11.25... i should be back by 8. Why?" Okay, good. We still have a lot of time.

"How about we play around until 3? Let's have fun for a bit before we talk about it." Yuri nodded to my plan, as we turned back walking to the other direction. "Do you like arcade?" She nodded excitedly.

"It's been long since i went to the arcade! Let's go!" She suddenly held my hand, and started to walk faster.

"Wait, Yuri-ah! Before that..."

"Mm?" She stopped as i turned around, not letting go of her hand.

Is my hand getting wetter? I hope it's not.

"I want to buy some drinks first, if you don't mind. Would you want some?"

"I'm alright, oppa." I stood in front of the counter as the cashier asked for my order. But before i ordered...

"You sure you don't want one? Your face is saying that you really want it." I asked, as she's fidgeting. She shook her head, but i just proceeded to order a random flavor for her.

We waited for a bit before the cashier handed us our order. A green tea and a lemon yogurt.

"Oppa, i told you i- IS THAT LEMON YOGURT??" She exclaimed. I guess i made the right choice.

"Yup." She gasped. She looked like she really wanted to take it, but hesitated. "Come on, take it. It's on me."

"T... thank you, oppa." She took the drink off of my hand and took a sip in a flash.

"Mmm!" Her exclaim made me chuckled.

"Is this your favorite one? I never tasted it though." Just the name makes my mouth watery because of how sour it is.

"It is! Try it, oppa!" She leaned the cup towards me. I took a sip, ready for the soury taste that was about to come to my taste buds.

"Wait. It's good!" I didn't know something so sour can taste this good.

"Hehe. It is my favorite drink after all. Shall we get going?"

We arrived at the arcade displaying all sorts of games. Shooting games, whack-a-mole, you name it.

"Let's play the shooting one!" She said as she picked the gun, ready for battle. After playing for a bit, i noticed that she's really good at playing this game. Was she a pro player in the past?

"Ya, you're good at this." She flashed a playful smile when i looked at her. Her smile stunned me making my guard down, as the enemy attacked my last health making me dead.

"Aw.... i'll carry us both, oppa." She proceeded to get attacked making her die. She pouted after seeing the death screen as she puts her gun back. I can only chuckle in silent.

"Stop laughing...." She hit me lightly in the shoulder. "Let's play another game!"

She guided me to the bowling one. "This!".

I nodded and proceeded to play with her. It was fun, so we played there for a bit. Going at it rounds after rounds, taking turns in winning each time.

"So, oppa. Why is your grandma being treated in the hospital?"

"Well." I paused as i took the ball. "I don't know , either. They wouldn't tell me. I even asked the nurse that was assigned to her and even she won't rat it out. She said that my grandma was the one who told her not to. But i just... wanted to know." I started feeling down as i draw a strike on the board.

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