Chapter 41 - The Slug Princess

Start from the beginning

"I am not uptight!" Shizune said indignantly. "Besides, someone has to be responsible enough to clean up the messes you make."

"Yare yare." Tsunade replied offhandedly. "Just come on. Poker and chilled sake are calling my name."

Shizune huffed as she followed Tsunade up the stairs with Ton-Ton beside her. They continued up the steps until they reached the entrance of the place. Upon entry, Shizune noticed that it was like a large courtyard. Businesses wrapped around the small plaza like a fort wall. People entered and exited different units that belonged to different business owners. The two women walked around the place until they finally at a building with a red sign that had two dice donning each side of the board. In the middle, was the kanji for 'chō' and 'han'.

Shizune looked at the information poster on the wall before stepping back with unbelieving expression. "Eh?! Th-This place has the highest antes...!" she freaked.

"Don't fret over every little thing!" Tsunade said before pushing the navy blue noren aside to enter the place. "Let's go!"

"Oh, dear! Please wait!" Shizune said as she chased after her. Despite of her knowing her master's quirks, he couldn't help but worry for her. She could be so wreckless!

Tsunade walked through the place with her head held high and a strong air of confidence. When she arrived at her destination, she pulled the shōji back, revealing a room full of men. They were all sitting on the floor, dressed in kimono shorts and pants, and had wooden boxes that kept count of their winnings and losses. At the center, was a chabudai that was cleared with exception of a cup for dice and player slots. They all turned to look at the woman, some with raised eyebrows and some with blank expressions.

"Yikes!" Shizune said as she hid behind her master.

The headmaster of the table looked at the woman before his eyes landed on the red briefcase she held in her hand. 'Huh?!' he subtly expressed before his eyes widened and he began to lightly expressed. 'This woman is....!' he trailed off as the woman walked up to the table and placed the briefcase on it. She unlocked before revealing the stacks of cash she had stored within it.

"Would you mind changing all of this money into chips for me?" Tsunade said with a small grin.

"Oh no! She's really going for it!" Shizune quietly spectated as she held Ton-Ton to her chest.

The men at the table began to whisper amongst each other. One gray-haired man in particular leaned toward the head of the table and talked to the headmaster.

"Just who is this? This lady......" he asked.

"You mean you don't know?" the man replied. "She's that woman with the famous alias...."

"Famous alias?" the older man asked questioningly as he turned to look at the woman. "Boss, what's this alias...?"

"The Legendary Sucker." he replied.

The men continued to stare at woman before some began to grin. They knew exactly who this woman was now. Her name was known far and wide. Some licked their lips in anticipation as their eyes traveled to the open briefcase and back to her. You could literally see their pupils turn to cash signs, ready to sate their greed. One by one, the men began to laugh. For those who had already lost much, they saw redemption through playing with the woman. For those who were lucky, they saw a way to rack in more money.

"Oh dear! They're all laughing!" Shizune commented as she watched her master become a laughing stock.

Tsunade was unmoved by their laughter as she pushed the briefcase up. "Well? Are you going to laugh all day or are you going to get me my chips?" she said, adding a little killing intent with her statement.

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