Miss. Katherine Pierce, Real State Realtor.

Start from the beginning

He pulled over, turn off the truck and we got out of it, simultaneously.

''Do you think this time we might have luck?'' I asked as we got inside of the old warehouse outside of the town

''Let's not jinks it.'' he muttered and kept walking


After another failure we went back to his place. The whole ride back was quiet, neither of us said a thing. But inside I'm burning and feeling like destroying an entire building. Another failure, another location to cross out that map.

Derek stopped the car, I slammed the door shut when I was out of it. Passing Peter with out telling him a sarcastic comment. That's when he knew we didn't succeed and that I was angry about it. My breathing started to get more and more heavy, feeling my werewolf side trying to get out.

When I turned Derek was holding a big piece of wood.

''What the hell is that?''

He extend it on my direction. ''Take it, broke it.''

''Do you really think that's gonna make me feel better?'' I ask him with a very high pitch of sarcasm

''Try it.'' he demanded

I rolled my eyes and grab it, cutting in half with no problem. ''Still feel the rage.''

Peter appear with a cement block and shrug, I punched it and break it in matter of seconds. ''Is it just me or she have gotten more stronger?'' he muttered to Derek

I turned and saw another block of cement, I grabbed it and throw it across the room, making it go through a wall, creating a hole.

''Yeap, she gotten stronger. What about a little fight? that might work.'' Peter proposed

''Are you offering?''

Peter shook his head, ''I'm still not in the fighting shape.''

I scoff and started to walk around the place.

''Come here.'' Derek said as he take his shirt off

I raise an eyebrow, contemplating his shirtless body. ''For what?''

''We're gonna fight, all this rage is not good.'' he stand in position.

I scoffed once again before throwing a punch, which he caught. We kept fighting for a while, the rage started to fade away, slowly but effective. Then the worry about them came along and I couldn't fight no more, I sat down at the floor, gazing at the ceiling, catching my breath.

''We are gonna find them.'' Derek said in a low tone, sitting next to me.

''When? It has passed two entire months and no sing of them and it drives me so mad. It drives me even sadder thinking about the possibly that they might be dead by now.'' my voice breaking

''They're not dead.'' Derek told me, staring at my eyes

''But what if-''

''Katherine'' Derek hold my head, ''they are not dead, we're gonna find them, trust me.''

I nodded ''I just hope they didn't crossed paths with the alphas.''

After my medium breakdown at Derek's, I headed back home. I open the front door and saw Chinese boxes on top of the kitchen counter, sniffing the air I already knew Isaac was home.

''You bought Chinese?'' I shouted closing the door behind me

''Yeah! I'm coming out in a minute!'' He shout from his room

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