"Do you want to walk on the bridge or sit down at the tree?" He asks as Jeongguk slowly gets out of the car and closes the door to join the older at his side.

The younger boy thinks about it for a few seconds before he answers "let's go sit down" he says softly, the black haired male nodded his head and began walking in the direction of the big tree that they use to use as a meet up spot.

The two boys reach the tree in no time and Jeongguk finds himself quickly sitting down and leaning back against the tree, closing his eyes as he tries to calm himself for what's about to happen.

"So" Yoongi starts as he watches the boy while sitting in front of him, "why do you hate me so much?" Jeongguk starts off surprising Yoongi, the older male not showing a reaction to it.

"You were my best friend and you slept with my girlfriend" Yoongi replied back and looked away while leaning back on his arms, Jeongguk rolled his eyes.

"I didn't even sleep with her" he says back and now Yoongi looks back at him but the younger looks away, a pout on his lips.

"Well why haven't you told me that sooner?" Jeongguk snaps his eyes back to the older male at that, he then glares over at him "I literally tried, so many time but you just ignored me each time" the younger snaps back at him annoyance now showing through his tone and expression.

"You would ignore me, then start yelling at me, eventually we would almost end up in a punch up, so I gave up and went along with it" Jeongguk explains now in a bored tone, leaning his head back against the tree.

A sigh comes from Yoongi this time, "I knew from the start of the mess that you wouldn't do that" he finally says, "I guess I just used it as an excuse to push you away because I was scared of my own feelings" the older male finally says.

Jeongguk looks at him with a look that Yoongi hasn't seen in a while but still finds it adorable "I started to like you quite easily, so I was scared because I didn't know back then that we would end up mates" the older male leans forward now and starts to pick at the grass as he talked.

The younger alpha just sat there and stared at Yoongi, the boy thinking in his head about why Yoongi would be silly enough to push him away for that reason, after all he was feeling the same way.

"So you acted like you hated me when really you had a crush on me?" Jeongguk questions the male. Yoongi had been looking down at the ground and just nodded his head, not wanting to meet his eye because he was slightly embarrassed.

"God, you're so stupid sometimes" Jeongguk says and tsked, Yoongi glared you at him and threw the small amount of grass that he had pulled out of the ground at him, the younger male letting a smile come through on his face.

"I liked you as well and it only made me want to be around you more" Jeongguk simply says and looks away at some of the people that were walking past not to far away from them.

Yoongi looks at him slightly surprised as he tilts his head to the side, "no you didn't" he says back but the younger just nodded.

"I did, your girlfriend was jealous because I hung around you to much and would barely give her any attention while I was with you" he chuckled as he remembered back to Yoongi's ex girlfriend pulling him aside and threatening him.

"I guess she tried to say that I slept with her to make you hate me" Jeongguk says this time going quiet, "she confronted me and I told her off, I told her that I didn't like the way that she treated you or that she didn't deserve you, that I was going to do better than her" the younger had said truthfully.

Yoongi tried to meet his eyes to see if he was telling him honestly but Jeongguk wouldn't let him because he had become too shy.

It had gone quiet between the two, Yoongi cleared his throat before finally speaking up through the uncomfortable silence.

"Do you want to go for a walk" he asks the younger alpha, the boy nods his head and quickly stands up from the ground.

He waited for Yoongi join him before they both began to walk around the park before heading back to Jimin's apartment to get Hoseok.


A/N: Hiya,

So i'm not exactly sure about this chapter but a few of you wanted it so, i hope that you guys get what im trying to say in the chap and now hopefully they'll get along hehe.

I hope you all have a good day/night, please be safe :)

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