i put my phone away and walked over to where i knew he was.

"justin, what--" he immediately put his lips on mine.

"is this why you wanted to see me?" i asked, holding the collar of his shirt in my hands.

"of course." he replied, smiling. "are you gonna come watch me play the homecoming game?"

"why do you always wanna talk?" i asked, continuing to kiss him.

"seriously, kylie." he said to me. "i want you and the little to come to my game. it'd mean a lot to me."

i just looked at him.

"what?" he asked.

"i'll... i'll be at the game, i'm just not really coming to watch... exactly." i replied.

"what are you coming to do?" he asked.

"i cant tell you." i said to him.

"what, like, you guys are gonna bomb the game or something?" he asked, chuckling. i just looked at him, showing no emotion.

"you aren't going to bomb the game, are you?" he asked.

"no, of course not. but we do have something planned. i just can't tell you, okay?" i replied.

"why not?"

"listen, this thing is bigger than me and i need you to respect that, okay?" i asked him. there was a knock at the door and we both left, walking to our respective classes.

i walked into my health class and saw that the sex education teacher was there. i rolled my eyes and walked to my seat.

"hey, kylie, i don't think you need to be here. you're about nine months too late." monty joked.

"maybe the teacher can teach you and your buddies not abuse your girlfriends and rape other girls." i said, looking behind me, receiving several 'oohs' from kids in the class.

"i never raped anyone." he shot back at me.

"okay, you two, that's enough." the health teacher told us. i rolled my eyes at monty and turned around.


when i got home from school, i noticed an envelope on the counter. when i saw who it was from, i also noticed the name and the address.

Annabelle Ramirez-Andrews, #9818783
Fremont Jail
1990 Stevenson Blvd
Fremont, CA 94538

"shit." i said to myself, sitting down and opening the letter.

Dearest Kylie,

I know that you haven't heard from me in quite a while, but I wanted to let you know how much I miss you and how much I can't wait to see you and meet my grandbaby. You probably hate me for what I did to your dad, and I don't blame you. You hating me is perfectly normal. I wouldn't like me either. I'm very shocked that Justin came to see me when you haven't seen me in years. I'm sure Justin is the best guy for you. He told me about a lot of the stuff you've gone through. I went through a lot of the same stuff, but I survived. I know you can too. I believe in you, mija. I'm doing a lot better, too. I'm ten years clean. I completed a program that helped drug addicts and alcoholics like me. My program was a bit more extensive because when I was using, I killed somebody. Since I've already done 11 of my 24 years, I'm eligible for parole and my hearing is next week. I'd like you to be there if you can. And if I get parole, I'd like you to live with me. Both you and the baby.  I get if you don't want to. From my understanding, you are doing better than you have in a while. I love you, bug. I can't wait to see you again, hopefully.

train wreck // justin foleyWhere stories live. Discover now