27 - 1 month later...

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kylieandrews: this month has been super long and lonely and i fucking miss having you next to me when i wake up every morning. you're the best thing to ever happen to me and i love you. i can't wait for you to come home so that we can make up for missed time, my handsome ❤️
👤: itsfoley


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"what does it say, honey?" lanie asked. i looked at the stick.

"it says i'm pregnant." i told her. i put it down and just sat down.

"sweetie, it's okay." she told me, hugging me.

"justin's still in juvie. how am i going to tell him?" i asked, looking up at her.

"well hopefully he gets released soon. i just need to get a hold of his mother." she said.

"amber doesn't give a shit about him. he's never going to get out if that's the case." i told her. "she would rather be with her abusive boyfriend than help her son out."

"well, hon, until then, just go to school, and everything will be okay." she told me. i nodded, she walked out, and i got ready.

"ready for school, little foley?" i asked my stomach. "because i'm not." i said, walking out. i got a ride from tony who had his car fixed.

"so how is everything going? have you talked to justin at all?" tony asked.

"tony, i'm pregnant." i told him. he pulled the car over.

"you're what?" he asked.

"pregnant." i said, looking forward.

"with justin foley's baby?" tony asked.

"yup." i told him. "which is bullshit because he's not even here to know about it."

"kylie." he said. he looked at me. "do you want to have this kid and raise it with justin?"

"i don't know, tone." i told him. "i'm not even 18 yet and i live with the jensen's because my mom's in prison for killing my dad. i have no family left. justin and this baby are my family." i said, tearing up.

"you've never said anything about your mom before." tony said to me.

"because it happened when i was 6 and the people who took me in were montgomery's family because my dad was best friends with his." i told tony. "then they kicked me out when i was 13 because they found out he and i were having sex already and that made me a whore." i paused. "i've been on my own ever since."

"who else knows about this?" tony asked.

"monty. because he lived it with me." i told him. "then jeff because i trusted him."

"you don't trust justin or clay?" he asked.

"i do, but i'm just not ready for more people to know about me." i said. i looked forward. "everyone has always thought i was this rich snobby bitchy cheerleader who just gave it up to anybody who paid me any attention. they've always thought that i had this perfect home with the best parents in the world." i said. "but the truth is, you never really understand what anyone else's life is like but your own. my cheer trips were always paid for by monty's parents and when we broke up, i had to quit because i couldn't afford it. all of the cheerleaders, except for jess stopped talking to me, and then when i had a place to live with jeff, he died, and his parents kicked me out because they didn't want anything to do with me. they always thought i was the reason jeff went to that party and died. clay's parents have been so welcoming and loving towards me, even when i haven't been the easiest teen to care for." i told tony. "without them, i wouldn't have a home or clothes or any type of support system." i said. "without them, i'd probably be dead."

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