Chapter 51

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Fred's POV

Kat stumbled into the Great Hall at 8:30. Before that George, Lee, Angelina, and I were sitting there talking about where she could be. She sat down across from me, and I could tell she got almost no sleep last night. "Kat where were you," Angelina asked.

"Angie I don't want to talk about it right now," she yawned. She looked about ready to fall asleep in her oatmeal. "Kat please tell us what's going on. Were your friends, and you can tell us anything," George pleaded with her. She sighed in defeat. "I'll tell you, but you have to promise not to tell anyone," she said.

"We promise."

"Okay well since last year I've been getting these dreams. A couple months ago I had one that really shook me up. I went to Dumbledore about it, and he wouldn't give me a clear answer. He said it was too dangerous to know the truth behind that dream right now. He also told me that I'm a Seer. Apparently I can see into the future, or tell prophecies, and some other things. He also said something about the dreams that I've had that take place in the past should be locked away in my mind. I shouldn't remember this stuff. And last night I had another dream. I don't really want to explain what happens in these dreams because I don't even understand them myself. Anyways, I went to Dumbledore about it as soon as I woke up, and I've been talking to him about it since about 6 this morning," Kat said quickly.

We looked at her, and she looked like she was about to burst into tears. We then spent the next twenty minutes comforting her. She's been dealing with this whole Seer thing for the past couple months alone. I felt like a terrible friend. She must've known what I was thinking because she stopped me.

"Fred, you all are the best friends anyone could ask for. Remember that."


George's POV

At noon we all got on the train. Only a half an hour before, Fred and I managed to completely pack out trunks. Finally I found an empty compartment, and I motioned for Fred, and Kat to join me. Five minutes later the compartment was filled. Scarlet, Lee, Angelina, Fred, Eva, Kat, and I all managed to get comfortable in the limited space we had. I rested my head against the window and began to doze off.

"Hey guys." Kat's voice snapped me awake. "I just wanted to let you know that I'll only be able to write once or twice the entire summer. As far as I know I'm still going back to America, and I don't want to hurt Amethyst." We all nodded. "Wait how are you getting to Hogwarts next year," I asked.

"Well to get to King's Cross at the beginning of this the year, I rode the Knight Bus. I was just planning on sneaking out, and summoning the bus in America, and having it take me to King's Cross for next year."

I nodded. "You have a plan for everything don't you?"

"Of course I do. How do think I always manage to be so successful," she smirked.

I rolled my eye, but grinned.


Hours later I felt the train roll to a stop. We all gathered our things and left the train. When I made it on the platform I said goodbye to everyone. Even Scarlet, who I now think is an okay person. Then I hugged Kat good bye. It was going to be a long summer without her.

My mum spotted us, and rushed over. Together my family, Kat, and I ran through the barrier.


Kat's POV

As soon as I walked through the barrier, I saw my mother. When she saw me she glared. I just returned it with a smile. Nothing she could say, or do could kill the mood I was in right now.

I went up to the twins, an gave them both one last hug goodbye. "Behave yourselves," I told them. They both wore identical smirks.

"It's a really tempting offer-"

"-but we can't make any promises."

I laughed. God I was going to miss these two over the summer.

"Kathryn," my mother snapped. I walked over to her. George looked over his shoulder and called back, "hey don't get into too much trouble this summer."

"It's a really tempting offer, but I can't make any promises," I said, using his and Fred's own line. He laughed, and then disappeared with his family. I turned back, and followed my mother, humming all the way to the car.

This is going to be an interesting summer.


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