55 ~ Without A Word

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Hope everyone's doing okay. Praying COVID19 will be over soon and we can all finally go outside! 

Dedicated to @voiceofreason  for truly being a voice of reason and her wise words in the comments on my last chapter

And dedicated to @MySai24 for her WHOLE TED talk in my comments. She only states facts 💯. Girl please review my whooole story and give Lana and Elijah some advice 😭

Song: Without A Word by Birdy

P.S I might edit this chapter a bit more later. 


Chapter Fifty-Five

" L i s t e n ,    Elijah... I'm sorry." 

Lana sighed, leaning back in her chair with a belly full of fries looking at Elijah across the table who shook his head with disappointment.

"I asked you if you wanted fries" he laughed. 

"I thought I didn't" Lana shrugged with a cheeky smile. 

He laughed lifting the empty bowl where his delicious, golden fries once were "Clearly you did, but..."

"I forgive you" he said anyway, returning that smile. 

"Really?" she asked "Even though I ate all your food?"

"It's almost unforgivable but..."

Before Elijah could complete his sentence, Lana had come around to his side and sat on his lap, wrapping her arms around him "This is why I love you, Elijah West--"


Lana's eyes shot open when she heard Jamie call her, pulling her out of her slumber and her sweet, sweet dream that was now only a distant memory. 

"Lana" Jamie repeated, sitting on the edge of her bed that Lana had taken over for the last few days. But it was okay. Jamie knew she was in too much pain to go home, and if she did, she might never come back to school, ever. 

Lana stared up at the ceiling, unable to respond or say anything. She was alone. Elijah left her. And now here she was like she started out before this all began: alone.

It was like she had finally taken a step forward in life only to take ten steps back, finding a partner and companion was something she had never had before. Love was only something others experienced and not her. But then she met Elijah.

Who knew this could hurt so much. Who knew heartbreak could break you completely?

"It's almost over" Jamie whispered

"I can't do this exam... Jamie. If he's there... please don't make me go" she begged

"Lana, we don't have a choice. And once you're done this exam you won't have to see him again" she said, but that hardly comforted Lana. Not seeing Elijah again meant she'd never be with him again. But at the same time, seeing him right now was far too painful. Rubbing her back gently in pity Jamie said, "You'll be okay"

Finally rolling over to face Jamie, Lana shook her head saying plainly, emotionless "I won't be okay." She admitted, her emotions resurfacing "I love him, Jamie"

"I love him and I told him I wish I never knew him" she murmured regretfully. "I didn't mean that."

"I know," Jamie said. 

But did Elijah know? What if he thought she meant it. What if he hated her?

"I didn't mean to hurt him. I didn't mean to ruin his life. I promised Aline I'd take care of him, I promised him--" overcome with emotion at this point, her guilt consumed her. 

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