5 ~ I Don't Want Your Nuts

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Dedicated to @bored_and_afraid. Keep those comments coming I love reading and replying to them! ❤


Y o u ever been so tired you forgot you still had your bonnet on when you left the house?

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Y o u ever been so tired you forgot you still had your bonnet on when you left the house?

So tired the moment you got up you started to miss your bed again?

That's exactly how Lana felt now.

"Sleeping in the lab is a safety hazard, Miss Valdez"

She blinked a couple of times before Elijah came into view, resting his chin on his hands folded on the lab table.

"Huh...?" she yawned as she wiped the drool off her cheek with the back of her hand and slowly sat up straight.

Elijah's face was straight and emotionless.

"I'm sorry. I was just..." Lana coughed awkwardly into her fist. "I couldn't see my specimen; the microscope wasn't working."

He stood up and hardly lifting a finger he flicked the light switch at the back of the microscope and shook his head like Lana was a complete dumbass. And he probably thought she was.

"That's... better" Lana chuckled nervously, scratching the back of her ear with her pointer finger.

"Thank you, class see you next week," Elijah announced dismissing the class of students who were actually paying attention.

Finally. Lana could not wait to get out. She practically bolted towards the door before he had time to glance over his shoulder.

"Keilana can I talk to you for a second?"

No... so close.

Elijah bit down on his knuckles, before half-sitting, half-leaning against the lab counter.

"Listen, Keilana-"

"What now Elijah, huh?" Lana sighed before Elijah could get a second word in.

They both stood there shocked for a second. Where exactly did they stand? Where was the line? Half the time she was his student but then half the time he was flirting with her.

Or maybe it was all just a game to him.

Either way, it was getting tiring.

"A few days ago, you were some night in shining armour and now you're back to picking on me and embarrassing me?"

Elijah furrowed his brows, ready to argue.

"I wasn't trying to embarrass you. I was treating you like everyone else. Anyone else who's late"

"No, you aren't." Lana argued back, her volume raising with every second.

"You're targeting me. Do you get extra credit for embarrassing me? This must all just be a game for you right?" She broke their eye contact and chuckled with a slow nod.

Midnight Study Sessions (TeacherxStudent) [Under Editing]Where stories live. Discover now