44 ~ I'm Trying To Study... YOUR Anatomy

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I'm so sad summers almost over. But anyway, without any further delay, let's get into the next chapter. Your

(chapter not fully edited)

Dedicated to @sharibabyy Thank you for commenting on almost every chapter!

Dedicated to @sharibabyy Thank you for commenting on almost every chapter!

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S h e    slammed her test onto Fredericks desk, but her anger did nothing but warrant an aloof glance from him.

 "This is a joke" Lana spat. Ir had to be, because she knew there was no way he could be so delusional or hate her so much as to give her such an unfair grade on her test. It had to be a sick joke.

"Is that what this is to you Keilana? A joke?" Frederick replied, leaning back in his chair he sighed "maybe you should start taking school seriously."

"That's not what I meant" Lana started 

"That's what you said"

Lana crossed her arms over her chest, sick and tired of her words being twisted, she didn't want to give Frederick any more of an excuse to fail her. "The grade you gave me must be a joke, I deserve better"

"You deserve better?" he almost laughed

"I did everything you asked for and you still only barely passed me. I wrote all of this--"

"Maybe you need to learn how to get straight to the point. I'm looking for a scientific, analytic answer, not an essay." He explained "This is biology. Not English."

"You told me to "elaborate," You told me what I gave you on the last quiz wasn't enough."

Frederick merely glanced at her test paper covered in red X's and partial marks again "And yet you are still not good enough" he said, and instantly just by the way he looked up at her with those dark, unforgiving brown eyes, she knew he was talking less about the test and more about her.

She would never be good enough. Not for him, not for this class. Not for his son.

Uncrossing her arms, her posture and her fight weakened "What do you want from me?" she barely whispered

Slipping Lana's test back into his drawer, Frederick leaned slightly over, his hand folded over the desk he said "I think you know that answer already"

Lana walked to the other side of his office, reaching for the doorknob before in his deep and chilling voice Frederick finally said

"And another thing Lana, you don't deserve anything. You work for them."


"You passed though. He was trying to fail you and you still passed" Elijah pointed out 

"Hardly" Lana reminded him, tossing her laptop gently on the nightstand and falling back against his bed "Fuck" she sighed, running her hands over her face

Midnight Study Sessions (TeacherxStudent) [Under Editing]Where stories live. Discover now