6 ~ She Tastes Like Whipped Cream

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I know I was supposed to update on Tuesday but this chapter was a mess lol I had to rewrite a lot 😭.

Thank you guys soooo much we've hit our 1000 reads mark!! This story is just going to get better and better so please keep reading, voting and commenting! 💛💛



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"I   p r o m i s e. I won't let anything hurt you"

"You promise?" She asked him holding onto his strong arm.

"I promise" he whispered.

"Oh God..." she whispered to herself as her shaky hand reached into the bowl of batter-coated chicken he was holding out for her.

"Just drop it in Keilana" he told her

She inched near the boiling oil, still holding onto the back of his arm as she leaned out behind him.

She was not about to be popped by some oil today.

"Woah" he dodged leaning back from the oil that jumped out after the chicken splashed in.

"How are you so bad at cooking?" He asked her looking behind his shoulder at his frightened state.

"I'm not bad at cooking" she lied

"I just hate frying stuff and getting burned"

She brushed her hands against her jeans and sighed. 

"So as much fun as that was. I think you should take over" she said, hopping up and taking a seat on the cold metal counter.

And Keilana loved to watch him.

His sleeves were rolled up, fist clenched around the whisk as his powerful arm beat the whisk. She loved the way he focused on that batter like he was creating a masterpiece.

Lana uncrossed her legs and crossed them again. Leaning back to get a full view of Elijah and the way he bit his bottom lip as he worked that batter.

She wanted to kiss the cook... And more.

He looked up at her with furrowed brows.

"Wanna grab the vanilla for me Keilana?" he asked her.

"Nah" Lana smiled "I like you as my personal chef, doing all the work"

He grinned and waved the whisk in the air towards her.

"Would you like to be my personal food critic?" He asked walking towards her with the bowl.

Lana leaned in, dipping her finger in the edge of the bowl, scooping up a bit of batter and popping it in her mouth.

"Needs more salt." She ordered, savouring the sweet taste.

He inched closer, taking position between her thighs, the only thing preventing their hips touching was the bowl.

Lana's breath hitched, eyes shot open wide when Elijah grabbed her hand and popped her same index finger in his mouth.

Midnight Study Sessions (TeacherxStudent) [Under Editing]Where stories live. Discover now