7 ~ Liar, Liar, Pants On Fire

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Dedicated to: KieshaGuy Thanks for your comments boo, I love reading them!

This song^ really describes the atmosphere of the party at the end. Start the music when you see- 🎵🔊.

I'm having so much fun writing these chapters! I wish summer would never end so I can write all day 😭😭 


Chapter Seven

T h e y stood there silent, staring at each other, unsure of where to begin. As much as Lana wanted to kiss Elijah too there was something holding her back...

"Elijah" aunt Celma smiled through the opened door like she had just seen her favourite person "Come in, I know you must want a drink, maybe some food?"

"You're very kind Mrs. Valdez but-"

"Oh..." she chuckled, she and Lana exchanging the same tense and awkward glare "I'm not Keilana's mother. I'm her aunt"


"Her mother died almost ten years ago" she mumbled, looking down

"Both her parents actually. In a car accident"

His eyes became estranged when he looked at her again.


"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Sorry Elijah, I don't really start off my introductions like 'hi, I'm Lana the orphan'" she snickered

"That's not funny"

"Orphans can have a sense of humour too you know. I don't want people feeling bad for me" she explained.

"It was years ago and I'm fine now" she half-lied, raising her shoulders in a shrug.

"And I don't even know you. You could just be using me for all I know"

He snickered. She must be joking right? "Is that what you really think about me?"

Lana shrugged "I've had way too many people promise to care about me, only to end up using me, Elijah"

"You can trust me" he promised, but Lana could not exchange the same hopeful look that glimmered in his eyes

"How do I know that?"

"How am I supposed to believe what you say? How do I believe that I'm not just one of a million girls you do this for just to get in them in bed"

Her words stung, he thought they had so much more than just stupid temporary lust between them "You still think that I'm just here to sleep with you?" He questioned her

Flustered, Lana drew back, crossing her arms over her body "I-I don't know... are you?"

He shook his head with a dry chuckle "forget it" he said before making his way down the steps towards his car again.

"Elijah!" Lana called after him, but he didn't turn back.

W e e k 4

"You have sixty-five questions and fifty minutes to answer them"

"If you studied. Then you'll be fine" he said looking towards Lana for a moment, then back at the rest of the class

"If you didn't..."

He sat back at the desk and pulled out his phone. "I'll pray for you"

All the students traded the same fear in their eyes.

Midnight Study Sessions (TeacherxStudent) [Under Editing]Where stories live. Discover now