42 ~ Seriously... Are You F***ing Crazy?

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Dedicated to: All my silent readers, if you don't comment or vote please do it's much appreciated! And to everyone who commented last chapter, thank you! Please keep commenting for dedications!

BTW AIO= Art Institue that I made up 

Okay, on with the story!

Okay, on with the story!

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" A r e    you okay?" Lana asked Elijah, she was genuinely concerned more than she was angry in that moment.

His eyebrow rose, that was not what he was expecting her to say "What?"

Lana took his head into her hands, inspecting him carefully from ear to ear "I'm tryna figure out if the car accident we got into gave you a head injury and made you lose all your sense"

Elijah scoffed, brushing her hands away. "I'm fine."

Okay. So it wasn't a brain injury. Now she was just angry. "Then why the fuck is Olivia here and why is she staying?" Lana whisper-shouted.

"Weren't you just saying how you wanted to avoid and ignore her?"

"Lana. I didn't invite her in." Elijah started

"Don't lie to me. 'You should've told her earlier' that's what she said." she repeated Olivia's words exactly.

"She invited herself. She only texted me telling me she was coming and when I got home she was already here before I could reply or talk to you" he explained

"I thought you let her in until I realized you weren't here either"

Lana took Elijah's phone which he handed her to see the evidence of her demanding text. She scoffed, sick and tired of Olivia always barging in whether unwanted or uninvited.

Crossing her arms and sighed "So you didn't invite her here..."

"Why the fuck would I?" Elijah asked her

Lana paced to his bed and back to him "...Are you just gonna let her stay?"

Please say no. She prayed.

His guilt weighing him down, Elijah dropped himself on the bed and shrugged. He took her by the hand and looked up at her "I don't know. I wanted to talk it over with you. She has nowhere else to go right now"

His guilt made Lana feel worse. Not because she cared about Olivia's well being. But because she knew Elijah always had to save the day and couldn't watch anyone suffer. Not even Olivia. She hated and loved that about him.

"What do we do Lana?"


Olivia sat there too comfortable in her satin pajamas. Or well, her satin top and robe. And only underwear on the bottom. She pulled her wavy hair into a high bun before sipping her coffee.

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