~ This Is How I Die

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It all leads up to that one moment.

All your decisions and choices and mistakes.

The moment before you take your last breath

The last heartbeat

The last thought.

He took his hand in hers, intertwining their souls for the last time, stroking the soft skin of the back of her hand with his thumb.

And looked up at her with eyes full of love, full of hope. Imprinting the image of her soft smile in his mind forever. So that he may never forget, in this life or any after.

The mother of his only child, the carrier of his heart.

He savoured her image before the blinding lights of that truck pierced through their windshield.

And in that last moment. That last breath.

They were happy...

Are you?

It was the screams of other people that woke him up first.

It was the cold he felt first before he noticed the hard ground he was laying against.

His eyes flickered staring up at those beautiful stars. Only then could he drown out all sound around him and listen to his quiet his shallow breath he could hear now.

"Lana.." he groaned weakly.

His eyes scanned as much of the dark scene as he could. But he only saw other people, with twisted limbs and bloodied faces laying around him.

He had to get up. He had to find her.

He hardly lifted his head an inch off the ground when he felt the pain, slamming him back against the ground.

"Aghhhh" he groaned, reaching up to his broken ribs.

He struggled for a breath, as he reached up to his shattered left arm.

God that hurt.

Hurt even more than when he was seven and fell out of the tree in his back yard and broke his arm. Maybe it was the realization that this time... he was dying.

He could feel his organs bleeding into his body, the air from his lungs escaping as he sputtered out blood with each cough.

But coughing was worse like his back and shoulder were being torn in half. He gritted his teeth and shut his eyes tight, waiting for the pain to pass but it never really did.

The scorching hot dagger like-pain stabbing his chest, stirring his insides, shattered ribs stabbing his lungs.

He was lucky if he was going to survive the next few minutes.

He shut his eyes.

This is it...

This is where I die.

"Mason... Mason...! Someone help us!"

Midnight Study Sessions (TeacherxStudent) [Under Editing]Where stories live. Discover now