
"I don't have a good feeling about this at all." Chu Shuzhi confesses frustratingly to Da Quing in front door where only he and Da Quing are present.

"I know, Chu. I feel like our leader is not telling us the entire story to hide something big." Da Quing also states his opinion.

"Yeah. Let's hope it is nothing that endangers the boys." Chu Shuzhi sighs.

"Mmmmm." Da Quing hum in agreement too.

"Well, Goodnight." Chu Shuzhi lastly said and walk out to his own house.

"Gege, did Uncle Chu leaves?" Zhao Yunlan asks Da Quing who is in deep thoughts, still standing in the front door.

"Er..yeah. He left. Did you have something to ask him?" Da Quing asks before closing the door.

"No, I can ask him tomorrow. It's late now." Zhao Yunlan assures his brother.

"Alright then. Go get some sleep." Da Quing said.

"I will gege. But I just remember that I forgot to ask what symbol I should be looking for? Do you know?" Zhao Yunlan asks.

"Oh god. I totally forgot such an important detail too!" Da Quing whines, making Zhao Yunlan chuckle at his gege.

"How about I ask him tomorrow? Now go to sleep. And please, Xiao Lan. Try to stay more intone with your Tengu inner self." Da Quing pleads.

"I will gege. Goodnight!" Zhao Yunlan said and went into his room to sleep.


"Haa....what a day.... Finally, I can get some sleep now..." Zhao Yunlan said when he got inside his room.

Zhao Yunlan took off his outer robes and a couple more inner layers until only thin silky white most inner robe is left. He almost unties his hair, letting it smoothly fall like a waterfall. He was about to dive into his bed when he saw something moving, slightly.

Zhao Yunlan cautiously moves toward the thing that is moving under his bed cover. He could hear his heart thrumming inside his ribcase and sweat forming on his forehead. He knows that calling his gege for help is wise, but he refuses for some reason. Slowly, Zhao Yunlan lifts the cover to only discover a sleeping beauty, sleeping peacefully in his bed.

Zhao Yunlan slid down to the floor, having all the energy drain from his legs. After taking a couple deep breaths in and breath out, Zhao Yunlan slowly shake the beauty to wake up.


"Xiao Wei, why are you in my bed?" Zhao Yunlan asks causing Shen Wei to slightly open one eye.

"Oh, Ah Lan! You are finally here! Uncle Chu was not home when I woke up and saw your house still had light on, so I came for sleep over. But it seems like you have guests, so I continue to sleep." Shen Wei purr out, half sleeping and half conscious

Damn! Did Xiao Wei hear what we were talking about?! Yunlan alarmily ask himself.

"Er... Xiao Wei, did you hear what we were talking about?" Zhao Yunlan nervously ask.

"Hmm... don't know.... too tired from Uncle Chu's 2 hours lecture and need sleep..." Shen Wei replies, making Zhao Yunlan chuckle.

Thank God, he didn't hear anything... Zhao Yunlan internally said and release the breaths he was holding.

"Well, sleep tight, Xiao Wei." Zhao Yunlan said to now peacefully sleeping Shen Wei and walk out from his room.

"Didi? I thought you were going to sleep?" Da Quing asks from the kitchen. Da Quing was cleaning up dishes before going to sleep.

"I was but, I thought I should let Uncle Chu know that Xiao Wei sneak inside my room and sleeping here." Zhao Yunlan said as he took a cup of water Da Quing gave him.

"He did it again?" Da Quing amuses, chuckling.

"Yeah... everytime when he wakes up and felt alone, he will sneak in my bed." Zhao Yunlan said smiling sweetly at Shen Wei's cute action.

"Okay, lovesick didi. How about you inform Chu Shuzhi before he panics to find Shen Wei missing.

"Yeah, good point!" Zhao Yunlan agrees and is about to get outer robe to go out, but they heard a knock on their door and both brothers know who it is.

"Well, didi. I guess he found out already." Da Quing said with chuckling and wipes his wet hands and went to open the door for Chu Shuzhi.

"Hello there, Chu. Looking for a missing kitten?" Da Quing asks with amusement in his tone.

"So, he is here." Chu Shuzhi said and was about to take Shen Wei back, but Da Quing stops him.

"Chu, let him sleep here. Lan-di said he is sleeping peacefully. I would hate to wake up a sleeping kid." Da Quing requests and Zhao Yunlan also adds

"Yes, gege is right. Uncle Chu, let Xiao Wei sleep here tonight. It's not like this is new, although, I wish he gives me a heads up, so I don't get heart attack to discover him on my bed." Zhao Yunlan whines making both Chu Shuzhi and Da Quing chuckle.

"Well, I suppose I should give you credit for not screaming at night waking up entire neighborhood like first time~" Chu Shuzhi tease Zhao Yunlan.

The first time Shen Wei sneak into his bed, Zhao Yunlan literally had a heart attack and screamed so loud that their neighbors came over to see what is wrong. That day, Zhao Yunlan refused to talk to Shen Wei at all.

"What can I say, if you can't fix, you learned to adapt, Uncle Chu!" Zhao Yunlan proudly said and the three of them chuckled again before going back to sleep.

Of course, Zhao Yunlan slept on his bed where Shen Wei is sleeping, but not before meditating for one hour to calm his nerves. 


A/N: Yes~~~~ Double updates~~❤💖💕😁😁😊. I didn't want to publish half mission details...so here you go~~~~💋🌹🌹🌹💕💖❤❤ Please enjoy my lovely readers~~~

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