The Suna Arc I: The Suna Advisory Council

Start from the beginning

No one responded to his comment as all eyes traveled to Baki who nodded in understanding.

"Agreed." Baki said before looking around at the council. "The Kazekage Murder Investigation has been finalized and completed." he announced, catching their attention. "It has been confirmed that Orochimaru was indeed the one who killed the Kazekage."

The council whispered amongst each other in shock of the revelation.

"And what proof do you have of this, Baki?" someone ask.

"There were cloth remains buried into the sand at the murder site." He answered. "We also discovered some type of bone embedded into the heart of one of his guards. Please note that Orochimaru had someone from Kaguya clan working with him."

"I thought that clan was dead." someone else said with a frown.

"Apparently there is one still living." Baki said. "There was also another body found 10 miles east of the murder site. We were unable to identify the person however they had kind of seal on the side of their neck, the same one I saw on Kabuto and a few other shinobi from the sound that I've worked and had contact with."

"All evidence leads back to the Sannin. I have also discovered that Yondaime had secretly been in contact with him before his death and they had agreed to meet the day of his death in that exact location. It may not be as definite as you may like it to be, but its solid enough." Baki replied, silencing another questions. Most of the council nodded while others didn't say anything.

"So what are we to do with Konoha?" another senior asked. "They will no doubt seek retribution for the damages they've taken due to our partnered invasion."

"Yes, with our current economy, we can barely afford to provide for our own village." a senior named Sajo said. "We simply do not have the funds spend for that kind of damage."

Baki nodded. "Yes. As a matter of fact, a messenger bird arrived here yesterday with a message from the daimyo. "In short terms, he is not happy with us right now. He has even threatened to cut our funding if we didn't handle the problem."

A couple of seniors paled at that statement. They were barely receiving enough as it is. They didn't need to be dragged further down the gutter.

"That invasion was a mistake." someone said solemnly.

"The invasion would have worked if the jinchuriki would have done it's job!" Tōjūrō exclaimed.

Baki rubbed his temples and released an inaudible sigh. "Here we go, again." he mumbled under his breath.

"It is to my understanding that Gaara lost control during the mission. Is this true?" Ebisū asked.

"Yes." Baki admitted with gritted teeth.

"He is too unstable." a senior chimed in. "Not only did he fail the mission, but he rejected orders. He has become liability rather an insurance. Our village can not afford to keep him here. He needs to be removed."

"Agreed." a senior named Ryusa commented. "Nobles are afraid to even step foot in this village because the boy's killing sprees. And he has killed many over our own shinobi. I fail to understand why the situation wasn't handled under the Yondaime."

"The boy is a danger to us. He is out of control and beyond our reach. How can we expect him to perform important duties when he's unhinged all the time." another senior added. "He is a renegade and a ticking time bomb. It is only a matter of time before he explodes right within these walls and unleashes the beast upon us all. He will be Suna's downfall if we don't do something about him."

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