Chapter 89

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'Chloe Smith' a nurse called out whilst we sat in the waiting room.

'That's me' I smiled, standing up.

'Okay, if you'd like to follow me this way, I'll take you to your appointment' she said. We followed her down the corridor to a very familiar brown door. The nurse knocked on the door, and a recognizable voice replied.

'Come in!' she said. The nurse opened the door and stuck her head through.

'Chloe Smith is here for her appointment' she said, pushing the door open fully for us to see the face of the woman on the other side of the door, and yup, just as I'd suspected, we were here to see the same person we did last time; Anna, the midwife from my previous pregnancy.

'Chloe, Aston, how are you?' she grinned, standing up to hug us both.

'Right now, I'm over the moon' I smiled as we sat down.

'That's good to hear! I'm sorry about the cancer..' she sighed.

'Not to worry, we've just been for a checkup, and I've just had my final course of chemo, so things should turn out brilliantly if this scan does!' I grinned.

'Okay, if you'd like to lay down then?' she said.

I was laid on my back on a leather bed type thing, with my shirt rolled up so my tummy was on view. Anna squirted the gel onto my stomach, and picked up the monitor.

'Are you ready?' she asked.

'Ready' I smiled, squeezing Aston's hand, and feeling the same unusual sensation on my stomach that I'd felt on my last pregnancy. Yes, I was definitely pregnant this time, we'd already been for a test. The baby had been conceived the day me and Aston made up at Marvin's house. This though, was our very first scan, and this time we were going to find out if we had a boy or a girl, unlike last time. 

As Anna moved the monitor over my stomach, I heard the thumping of a heartbeat.

'Is that..?' I wondered out loud.

'Yes, that is your baby's heart beat' she smiled. I couldn't help but cry; tears of happiness though, of course. It had finally sunk in that we were getting a second chance with our family.

'We're having a baby, Chloe!' Aston grinned joyfully, hugging me tightly as I cried in his arms.

'So you wanted to find out the sex, yes?' Anna asked.

'Yeah' we both said at the same time. She moved the monitor around a little more, and pressed a button on the ultrasound scanner. She smiled.

'Well?' I asked.

'You're having a baby boy. A beautiful, healthy baby boy' she smiled.

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