Chapter 46

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When me and Aston reached the hospital, he helped me out the car and inside the building. As soon as the staff heard me screaming and holding my bump tight, they quickly snapped into action, quizzing Aston before supplying me with a wheelchair and rushing me off down the corridor. Aston was running after me, trying to keep up. He reached me eventually and grabbed my hand, squeezing it tight. He had sweaty palms.. Guess he was nervous like me too.

I was soon laid on a hospital bed, nurses running around preparing things for my labour. A familiar face emerged through the doors; my midwife, Anna.

'Chloe, how are you?' she asked in a friendly manner.

'In pain' I gasped, before screaming as another contraction came. She began to prepare things with the other midwives, while Aston shuffled awkwardly on the spot, crossing his legs then uncrossing them again, before repeating his actions.

'What's wrong?' I asked.

'I just really need the toilet, but I'll wait, it seems like our little one won't take long' he chuckled slightly.

'Ast, you'll want to spend time with the baby when it's here won't you? So you should go now quickly'

'Okay, I'll be two minutes!' he said, kissing my lips softly before leaving me.

'Okay' Anna said, walking over to me with a clipboard. 'You were expecting the baby to be early, weren't you? The doctor told you that after your fall right?' she asked me after reading some information off the clipboard.

'Yeah, but please don't tell Aston! He doesn't know' I pleaded.

'Okay.. So he's you birthing partner, right?'

'Yeah' I said, before Aston rejoined us.

'Did I miss anything?!' Aston worried.

'No, don't panic, we're just getting started'

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