Chapter 47

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*Aston's POV*

I watched as Chloe squirmed and screamed in pain.. It was killing me seeing her like this, but there was no going back now. She had hold of my hand tight, squeezing it forcefully every time her contractions occurred.

'Okay, you ready' Anna said.

'I can't do this' Chloe sobbed.

'Baby, don't worry, you can do this, I know you can.. Just think about the end result; our little one. It'll be worth it in the end' I told her, kissing her forehead.

'I'll try' she whispered, tears still leaking from her eyes.

'Okay, on the count of three, I want you to push as hard as you can' Anna instructed her.

'Okay' Chloe sniffed.

'One, two, three!' 

After about 45 minutes of pain, sweat and tears from Chloe, she was down to the final push.. Not long now until we could have our little one.

'Okay, your doing absolutely fantastic Chloe. Now, one last time.. One, two, three!' Anna yelled.. But nothing happened. I looked down at Chloe to see her eyes half closed, her breathing shallow.

'Come on baby, you can do it, I know you can' I smiled, tears welling up in my eyes.

'I can't Aston.. I can't do it. I'm sorry' she croaked, before her eyes closed fully. The monitor next to her started beeping.

'She's stopped breathing!' a nurse exclaimed.

'We need to perform a cesarean, now!' Anna ordered.

'Can you wait outside please sir?' a nurse asked me.

'No, I'm not leaving my family!' I screamed, tears flooding from my eyes.

'Please sir, you need to wait outside, or I'll have to call security' she warned.

'No, I'm not going anywhere!' I said, adamant to stay and support my family. I couldn't just leave them.. They need me.

'Sir, step outside please! This is the last time I'm gonna ask you before I call security!' I shouted at me. I sunk my head to the floor and plodded outside. I slid down against the wall, burying my tear stained face in my hands. Was I going to lose the two most precious things in my life?

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