Chapter 50

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'I've booked the seats babe, we should be flying out to Cali at the start of next week, just in time for your brother's wedding' Aston smiled faintly at me as he entered the room. I was sat in the kitchen admiring the scan of our Little One. It was two days since we got home from the hospital after the worst day of our lives, and we were becoming really distant.. I hated it.

'Have you told your mum yet?' I wondered.

'No.. Not yet' he sighed.

'What about Marv?'

'Yeah, I've told him.. He insisted I kept him updated. But I really don't know how to tell my mum she's lost her first grandchild' he said, his voice getting hoarse at the end of the sentence.

'I think we should go down to Peterborough and visit.. Tell her to her face' I suggested.

'So you'll come with me?' he asked. I nodded getting off the stool and passing him, heading off up the stairs. I headed into the little bedroom/nursery we'd built in our house for the baby. With the baby scan in my hand, I pushed the door open slowly. It was like a baby haven.. A small white crib, stuffed animals, a little wardrobe, still empty as we didn't know what gender the baby would be.. I walked past the crib, stoking my fingers across the glossy frame. Aston's dad had handmade it for us, which was really generous of him. I placed the scan down on the thin mattress, above the blanket which laid there. I surrounded the scan with stuffed animals; a giraffe, monkey and lion.

'I'm just going out' Aston called up the stairs.

'Okay' I mumbled in response. I sighed, slipping down the wall and slumping on the floor. I really wanted to let Aston into my head, so he could comfort me, but I couldn't. This was still my fault. If I hadn't been so stubborn trying to get the stupid paintbrush, I wouldn't have broken my leg, and I wouldn't have fallen down those stairs. I knew who I needed; I needed my mum. She was wise and experienced. She'd have some helpful advice to me. I just had to wait until next week to see her...

*Aston's POV*

'I'm just going out' I shouted up the stairs. I heard Chloe mumble something back, but I couldn't tell what. I sighed, stepping out the door and closing it behind me. It had started to rain, but I didn't mind. I found it calming. I unlocked my car and climbed inside, heading off to my destination.

'Hi, can I help you?' a woman smiled at me as I opened the door.

'Yeah, I'd like this done please' I said, handing her a folded piece of paper.

'Okay, we can do that' I smiled. Before long, she was at work. Once it was done, I headed back outside, making sure it was safely hidden. I didn't want the paps seeing it just yet. Speaking of paps, I found them hoarding around my car once I got back to it.

'Can you move' I said bluntly as I tried to get through the crowd.

'Aston, how is the baby?'

'Is it a boy or girl?'

'What's it called?'

'How was the labour?'

'Why aren't you at home with Chloe?'

Questions were being thrown at me ten to the dozen. I just couldn't take it anymore; I snapped.

'WILL YOU ALL JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP?!' I screamed at them. They all went silent. 'None of you know ANYTHING, okay?! So just LEAVE ME ALONE!' I yelled, my voice breaking at the end. I climbed back into my car, tears falling down my face. I can't believe I'd just done that; I'd probably made front page news now. Great job, Aston. I grabbed a bunch of flowers from the corner shop for Chloe before heading home...

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