Chapter 15

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A couple of weeks later, and me and Aston were still in a strong relationship, as were Marvin and Nikki. They were now publicly a couple, but still no-body knew about me and Aston. It was Thursday night, and I was going to Aston's for the night for a meal. Marvin had been kicked out so we didn't have any interruptions. I had also taken the weekend of work to spend the weekend with Aston. He was taking me out for our first weekend away together as a couple. I was super excited, but annoyed at the fact that Aston wouldn't tell me where we were going or what we were doing. He just told me to pack normal clothes for this time of year (early January) and some swimwear. I had packed a dark blue bikini, and also some new underwear to surprise Aston with on night.

I hauled my overnight bag and rather large suitcase out of my apartment and dragged them to the lift. When I got outside, Aston still hadn't arrived to pick me up. I placed my suitcase against the wall and put my overnight bag on top. I leaned against the wall waiting for Aston. About 5 minutes later, Aston pulled up in his car. He got out and made his way over to me, his face looking apologetic. 

'Sorry I'm late babe, I had to make sure dinner wouldn't burn before I left' he explained, before kissing me passionately. 

'Its okay, I forgive you' I smiled, kissing the tip of his nose. He crinkled up his nose, making me giggle. He grabbed my suitcase, and struggled to get it to the car, although he was trying to make it seen as if it was an easy thing for him to do. I chuckled to myself at the fact that Aston was clueless I had realised he couldn't carry my suitcase. I grabbed my overnight and and carried it to his car, throwing it on the floor next to my feet when I got in. When we pulled up outside Aston's flat, he tried the whole thing again.. Trying to carry my suitcase and making it look easy. He looked ridiculous; he was waddling with it. He looked like a penguin.

When we got into Aston's apartment, Marvin was just leaving with Nikki.

'Hey!' I smiled, hugging them both and kissing their cheeks. They greeted me back, and we had a quick catch up, before they left me and Aston to it. Half an hour later, we were sitting down to dinner, followed by pudding. It was delicious.. Aston was an amazing chef. Afterwards, we sat cuddled up on the sofa to watch a movie. 

'Right, I think we better be off to bed babe.. Early morning tomorrow' Aston said as he took the DVD out of the DVD player and placed it back in its case.

'Okay Ast' I smiled. We headed up to bed hand in hand, and got ready for bed. 

'You know.. Even though we have to get up early tomorrow.. We still have time to have a little fun' Aston hinted, grinning at me as I came out of his en suite.

'Well.. I guess I still have to repay you for dinner' I smiled. I walked over to Aston, who was sat on the edge of his bed. I put my arms around his neck and leaned forwards to kiss him. He pulled my top over my head, and pulled me on top of him. He attempted to pull down my long pyjama bottoms, but he wasn't doing a very good job, so I stood up and took them off for him. I sat back down on top of him, one leg either side of his waist. He un clipped my bra and threw it across the room. He tried to slip down my knickers, but just like the pyjama bottoms, he wasn't doing a very good job. I stood up again and slipped down my knickers, and pulled down his boxers afterwards.

A while later, I was cuddled up to Aston, slowly drifting off to sleep. I couldn't wait to spend the whole weekend with my boy.

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