Chapter 61

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*Aston's POV*

Since we told the public about the loss of our baby, the JLSters have been VERY supportive of me and Chloe. I couldn't wish for better fans. The paparazzi on the other hand.. Not so much. They weren't giving us ANY space, we needed to get away.. Which is why I was taking Chloe on holiday for a fortnight. Although we'd not been back home for very long, work had let me take time off, since we were only writing songs at the minute, which I could do ANYWHERE. Chloe had JUST gone back to work, but I'd persuaded her boss to let her have time off too. He couldn't really say no, considering the circumstances. Chloe didn't know about the holiday yet, I wanted it to be a surprise for her. I just needed to choose a destination and book it.

After a bit of a struggle to book something so short notice, I had it.. We departed from the airport tomorrow evening at 7pm. Chloe gets back from work tonight at 5pm, so that should leave her enough time to pack, since her boss had said she could have tomorrow off, and the 15 days following that to try and recover from any jet lag she might have. I didn't take very long to pack a suitcase of clothes, but I should start now in case I have any set backs. I packed PLENTY of condoms, as I knew we would be needing them.. We ran out when we were in the USA.

*Normal POV*

'Baby, I'm home!' I called out as I slammed the front door shut behind me. I was exhausted, since I'd gone from no exercise for 8 months to a day of constant workouts and routines.. But I was soon going from teaching dance classes to being taught a dance for a new music video for Pixie Lott, which was going to be exciting.. My first music video. It was great for me.

'Hi beautiful' Aston smiled, jogging down the stairs.

'How was your day? Do anything interesting?' I asked, walking through to the kitchen and pouring myself some water.

'Wrote a few lines for a new song.. Not as much as usual. How was your day?' he asked me.

'I have some great news to tell you! I've grabbed an AMAZING opportunity' I grinned.

'I have news too.. But you go first' he smiled.

'Okay, well, basically.. I'm gonna be in Pixie Lott's next video' I grinned, clapping my hands together and jumping up and down slightly.

'Omg baby, that's great!' Aston exclaimed, hugging me.

'I know' I smiled.

'I'm so proud of you, well done' he admitted, kissing my forehead and pulling away from me.

'Thanks. Anyway, what was your news?' I asked.

'Well, it isn't really news as such, but anyway.. I've booked us a holiday abroad for two weeks' he smiled biting his lip.

'And you didn't think to ask me first?' I asked, raising an eyebrow at him.

'We need to get away from everything! We head of tomorrow, so you better go pack' he winked.

'What?! Ast, I have work' I said, totally stressing out.

'Don't worry, I have that sorted.. I called your boss today' he grinned.

'Fine. Where are we going?' I asked.

'Not telling' he said, poking his tongue out.

'Ast, I need to know where we going so I know what to pack, you douche!' I said. I was so annoyed at him for throwing this on me so suddenly.. But I was over the moon at the same time. This WAS what we needed. A holiday away, just the two of us..

'We're going somewhere hot.. But that's all I'm saying' he smiled.

'Fine' I sighed, stomping up the stairs to go pack.

To be honest, I was acting like a spoilt little brat.. Aston was treating me to a luxurious, and probably costly holiday, and I was throwing it back in his face. But he was being cheeky and trying to annoy me, so he deserved it at the time. Wherever we were going, I knew with my boy by my side, it was going to be an overly enjoyable couple of weeks.

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