Chapter 3

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*knock knock, KNOCK KNOCK*

'Chloe babe? Are you awake?'Marvin shouted from outside my bedroom. I yawned; I was so tired. I didn't want to get up. I kept quiet until he went away. I was still wrapped tight in Aston's arms. He hadn't left me, he'd stayed with me like he said. I could feel him spooning me through the duvet. I giggled a little out loud, and Aston pulled me tighter. I shuffled in his arms to face him. He didn't awake. I gently blew on his nose, and he scrunched it up. He yawned, so I quickly snapped my eyes shut. I heard him sigh, and he kissed my forehead. I yawned and pretended I had just woken up. I opened my eyes to see him staring at me smiling.

'Morning' he said.

'Morning to you and your friend' I giggled.

'What? Oh, shit! Well, this is embarrassing..'

'Don't worry about it' I smiled. He sat up and stretched his arms out as he yawned.

'Well, I better go and take care of this' he said.

'Yeah' I laughed.

'Do you want some breakfast?'

'No, I'm gonna go back to sleep for a bit'

'Okay, see you later then' he smiled as he left my room. I shut my eyes and slowly drifted back to sleep.

*Aston's POV*

I walked out of her room and shut the door behind me. I walked down the corridor to my room. I bumped into Marvin as he was coming out of his room.

'Morning' I smiled at him.

'Where were you lat night?' he demanded.


'Where did you sleep last night?'

'In the spare room with Chloe, but it's not what you think!'

'Aston, I'm not stupid, I know what you did last night'

'Marv, nothing happened! I heard her screaming; she was having a nightmare. I woke her up and calmed her down, and she wanted me to stay with her, so I did'

'Aston, you slept in her bed with her in your boxers and your telling me nothing happened. Do you honestly think I'm going to believe that?'

'I slept on top of the duvet, she slept under it'

'Yeah right'

'Marv, you can believe what you want, but I'm telling you the truth. I do really like her though..'I said.

'Ast, just promise me you won't take advantage of her? She's been treated badly by a lot of guys'

'Marv, I would never treat her bad. I promise' I said, as I walked past him.

*Normal POV*

I opened my eyes slowly. My whole body ached. I sat up and stretched. I pulled myself out of bed and was about to walk downstairs again when I realized I was wearing my underwear again. I didn't have a change of clothes, so I had to put on my outfit from last night. I brushed my hair until it was soft and tied it up in a messy bun. I walked downstairs and into the kitchen. Marvin was sat there eating some cereal.

'Morning' I smiled.

'Morning' he replied.

'You alright?'

'Yeah, I guess. You?'


'Do you want some breakfast?'


'Just help yourself'

'Okay' I smiled. I grabbed a box of cereal and some milk. I poured some cereal and milk in a bowl and sat opposite Marvin. There was silence, which didn't usually happen between us. We normally had lots to say to each other.

'Nothing happened between you and Ast last night did it?' he blurted out.

'What?' I asked.

'When he slept in your room last night.. Did anything happen?'

'No, of course not! He was just comforting me when I had a nightmare'

'Okay' Marvin said, with a sigh of relief. After that, Marvin and I were chatting like normal. 

When we had both finished our breakfasts, it was time for me to leave. I walked to my room and packed up my things. Just as I was walking out my room, Marvin passed me. 

'Marv, I'm off, I'll see you later yeah?' I said.

'Yeah babe, it was great having you!' he said, hugging me and kissing my cheek.


'Bye' he smiled. I was about to walk downstairs when I noticed Aston's door was slightly open. I thought I better say bye to him before I left, and thank him for last night.

'Ast?' I said, as I slowly pushed his door open. He was laid on his bed in his boxers with his hand down his pants. 

'Shit!' he shouted.

'Woah!' I gasped, as I quickly turned and darted out the room, tripping over as i did so. I heard footsteps behind me.

'Chloe, are you okay?' Aston asked.

'Yeah, i guess' I giggled getting up.

'Sorry you had to see that, I should have closed my door'

'No Ast, its my fault, I should know to knock on the door. I'm sorry'

'Its okay' he laughed. There was an awkward silence.

'Anyway, I came to say bye. I'm off' I smiled.

'Okay, bye' he smiled, and kissed me on the cheek. His lips were soft and gentle and they made my cheek tingle.

'See ya later Ast' I shouted as I headed downstairs.

I got into my mini and drove home. I had a shower and got dressed, and applied a tiny bit of mascara. I set off to work, which started after dinner. I had an advanced class and then a kids class. After that, I headed home and spent the night sat at home in front of the telly. I got bored, so decided to text Marvin. I looked for my phone, but realised I'd left at at Marvin's. How had I only just noticed? I called Marvin from my landline.

*ring ring*

(m)Me (a) Aston


M-Hey Ast, did I leave my phone at yours?


M-Okay, I;ll come and pick it up tomorrow

A-No, there's no need! I'm passing your apartment tomorrow on the way to my mate's house. I'll drop it off for you then. You don't start work until after dinner right?

M-Right.. Are you sure? I can pick it up if you want

A-No, its no problem! See you tomorrow?

M-Yeah, okay, bye!

A-See ya

I put down the phone and turned off the TV. I got ready for bed and jumped under my covers. I fell asleep straight away.

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