Chapter 57

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*Normal POV*

'I don't think we're gonna be able to fit all these clothes in my wardrobe' I sighed, looking between my small wardrobe and the two open cases laid on my bed.

'Well, hang up the most important things, and leave the rest in the case' Aston smiled.

'We'll have to I guess' I said, before pulling things out my suitcase, doing as Aston said and hanging up the most important things. As I went to hang up the dress I was wearing for Joe and Georgia's wedding, I noticed the material at the front was really baggy.. I then realised the dress was a maternity dress.

'Fuck' I said quietly.

'What's up babe?' Aston asked, wrapping his right arm around my waist and kissing the side of my head.

'This is a maternity dress.. I can't wear this to the wedding!' I panicked.

'Aaah, don't worry about it.. I'll take you shopping tomorrow' he smiled, pecking my lips before getting back to unpacking.

'Thanks Ast' I smiled, appreciating how lucky I was to have him.

A while later, me and Aston collapsed back onto my bed and stared up at the ceiling. We'd managed to get all our clothes in the wardrobe after all, although it was a tight squeeze.

'That took longer than I expected' I chuckled.

'Who knew unpacking could take as long as that, aye? Anyway, I best put the cases on the top of the wardrobe before we get into bed' Aston said, climbing up and grabbing our cases. I watched him as he carefully placed my case on the top of the wardrobe, then went to get his own. As he lifted it up, one of the three boxes of condoms he'd packed fell out of the case onto the floor. He picked them up and stared at them for a while, before deciding to put them back in the case.


'Yeah' he smiled, turning around to look at me.

'Leave them out' I instructed him.

'You sure?' he asked.

'Yup' I nodded, smiling.

'Okay baby' he grinned. I could see the excitement in his eyes as he pulled out the three boxes of Just Love Safe condoms.. The ones with his own face on, of course. He placed them on my desk, before shoving his case on top of the wardrobe.

'I'm gonna have a shower, freshen up a bit' I yawned, climbing off my bed. I got undressed right in front of Aston, purposely teasing him. Once I was fully naked, I turned around to see his eyes almost popping out of his sockets.

'Care to join me?' I asked seductively, biting my lip. 'Okay' he nodded.

'And bring one of those' I smiled, pointing to the stack of condom boxes.

I turned on the shower, letting the water pelt down my body.. It felt so good after a full day of travelling. I heard a light knock on the door. I turned my head to see a very naked Aston stood by the door, hiding his 'area' behind it.

'You don't have to knock, silly' I giggled. He smiled, before coming in and locking the door behind him. He opened the shower door and stepped inside, our bodies being pressed together instantly as the en suite shower in my bedroom was quite small. I took the condom he was holding out of his hands and opened it, carelessly throwing the wrapper on the shower floor. I slipped it onto him, before kissing his lips sweetly.

'We'll have to be quiet, okay? My parents are only in the next room' I smiled.

'Okay, no problem' he grinned, before attaching his lips to mine, slipping his tongue in to heat things up even more.

'I love you' I mumbled against his lips.

'Love you more baby' he whispered, before lifting me up and pressing my against the wall. My legs locked around his waist, keeping our bodies close. Without warning, he pushed himself into me, making me gasp loudly.

'Shhh!' he chuckled, placing a finger to his lips.

After some intimate love making in the shower, we were cuddled up in bed, all snug and warm. I was laid with my head on Aston's bare chest, with his arms draped around my body.

'Chloe?' he whispered.

'Yeah?' I replied.

'One day.. When we're both ready.. We'll try again' he said.

'What do you mean?' I asked, confused.

'We'll try for another baby.. I'll give you a baby someday, don't worry.. I guess fate decided we weren't ready just yet' he sighed.

'I guess so.. Goodnight Aston' I yawned.

'Goodnight beautiful' he whispered, kissing the top of my head..

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