Chapter 84

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*Aston's POV*

Waking up alone on our double bed, I rolled over so I was laid on the side Chloe usually slept on. I shoved my face into the pillow and inhaled.. It smelt of her. I really did miss her.. I'd cried myself to sleep last night. But I COULDN'T tell her where I'd been disappearing to, that'd ruin everything. I should have expected her to assume I was cheating. But of course I wasn't cheating on her, I couldn't do that to my baby girl. And I know how hard it hits you when someone cheats on you.. How painful it is. It'd happened to me several times, I wouldn't put anyone through that. I sighed and rolled out of bed. I had an idea where she was; she'd probably gone to Marvin's. I had work today, and I was seriously dreading seeing Marvin. If she HAD gone to him, and told him everything, he'd be fuming with me. Hopefully he'd realise I was telling the truth, then he'd explain to her that I was innocent. Or maybe he'd go all crazy on me, and hit me. It was more than likely he'd chose option two, but I was praying he'd understand my story.

*Chloe's POV*

I woke up to the sound of birds chirping outside the window. It sounded so peaceful; unlike the argument I'd had with Aston the previous night. I'd told Marvin the whole thing the previous night, and he'd comforted me, and I guess after I'd fallen asleep on him downstairs, he must have carried me upstairs to bed. I could always rely on my best friend.

*Aston's POV*

I got into my car, ready to drive off to the studio. But I changed my mind.. Work wasn't my everything, Chloe was far more important to me. I knew she was staring work in a couple of hours, so I had time to drive to Marvin's and speak to her before she left. I was just hoping I was right about her being there..

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