Chapter 34

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When it got to about 6pm, the residents were all wheeled/helped/escorted into a large dining room. There were several tables set out, all with four sets of cutlery. The people I was stuck with were all sat together, as there were four of them, so I was left on my own.

'You don't mind if we sit together do you?' one of them said. I think her name was Karen.. She was so snobby, I felt like punching her at one point.

'No' I replied. I actually didn't mind, I'd rather sit on my own. I looked around the room for somewhere to sit. All the tables were full, apart from one; there was a girl sitting there on her own. I managed to wheel myself over to the table she sat at. I struggled a bit, as I hadn't really wheeled myself about that much. I was told not to if I could help it, and they didn't want me to strain myself or damage the baby. What a load of rubbish, how was pulling the muscles in my arms going to damage the baby? I wasn't complaining though, it meant I could be lazy instead of pushing myself around.

'Do you mind if I sit with you?' I asked her as I finally got to her table.

'No, not at all' she smiled.

'I'm Chloe' I said, introducing herself.

'I know, your Aston Merrygold's girlfriend, right?'


'I'm a huge fan of JLS actually. They're all gorgeous! And amazing singers, and they all have great personalities, and they're so lovely to their fans.. I'm Jaanvi by the way' she said after she'd had a little rush of excitement just over talking about the boys.

'Nice to meet you Jaanvi' 

'You too. I saw you sat with those over there earlier' she said, pointing to Karen and her snobby friends. 'Did they disown you to?' she giggled.

'Yeah' I tutted.

'Me too. Your new here right?'

'Yeah. As you may already know, the boys are going on tour. As I'm pregnant, and now have a broken ankle, I'm stuck in a wheelchair and can't walk. With Aston gone, I have nobody to look after me, so I ended up here' I sighed.

'Aww, poor you! I was meant to go and see JLS when they came back to London, but I couldn't get tickets! But I didn't know you were pregnant?!'

'Yeah, I am, Ast announced it on twitter today' I smiled. 'But I'm going to see the boys when they come to London, so I'm sure I could sort something out for you'

'OMG, really? You would do that for me?!'

'Of course I would' I chuckled.

'Thank you thank you thank you!' she squealed giddily, clapping her hands together.

'It's no problem, honestly! What are you in here for anyway?' I asked.

'I had a tumor on my spine' she sighed.

'OMG, really?!' I asked shocked.

'Yeah.. It's gone now, but it was pretty serious. If the doctor had of left it any later, I may have been paralyzed. Guess I was pretty lucky' she laughed slightly.

'Aww, I feel terrible now! I was moaning about my problems, but they're nothing compared to what you must have been through! Can you walk then?'

'Well, not at the moment.. I have to learn to walk again. I feel like a right baby' she chuckled.

'Is it hard? Learning to walk again?'

'Well, I haven't had much practice since my operation, but it's a bit of a struggle.. It should be a few weeks before I can walk again' she explained. I felt so sorry for her.. Our food was brought out then. A waitress placed a plate in front of us both; it looked like stir fry.

'Is the food nice here?' I asked Jaanvi.

'It's alright I guess..' she said, tucking in. I put a forkful in my mouth and swallowed it. It tasted okay.. But not as good as Aston's stir fry. I sighed, remembering one of our very first dates when he cooked me stir fry. I missed him so much, and he'd only been gone a few hours...

After dinner, me and Jaanvi sat watching a bit of TV. There wasn't much on, so we put one of the music channels on. Take A Chance On Me came on, so we started singing along to it really loud, purposely trying to annoy Karen and her 'gang'. It seemed to work, much to our amusement.

When we all headed back to our rooms, Sophie helped me into the bath and then get changed into my pyjamas afterwards. She then headed into her room to get some sleep, while I lied in bed playing temple run on my phone, waiting for Aston to call me. It was nearly 10:30pm, so it shouldn't be that long until he calls me. Just as I'd got my high score on temple run, my phone started ringing in my hands. It wasn't a phone call though, it was Aston trying to connect with me on face time. I accepted, and saw his face brighten on the screen as I did so.

Me - M Aston - A

A - Hey baby!

M - Hi! How was the show?

A - Amazing! Liverpool are amazing. How was your day?

M - It was okay actually. I made a friend; she's lovely. She's actually a big fan of yours.

A - Oh really?

M - Yeah! She was going to come and see you guys in London but she couldn't get tickets.. So I was wondering if maybe she could come with me one of the nights I go to see you? Please?

A - Yeah, that's fine! It'll stop you being on your own. Is she in a wheelchair too?

M - Yeah.. She had a tumor on her spine, and she was almost paralyzed bless her... But she's okay now. She just needs to learn to walk again.

A - Aww, poor her.. 

As me and Aston were in conversation, Sara jumped on Aston and kissed his cheek. It wasn't just a normal kiss on the cheek though; her lips lingered there.

'Night!' I screeched in her annoying high pitched voice before skipping off. Bitch, I thought to myself. Jealously surged though me.

A - Sorry about her.. She won't leave me alone.

M - It's okay

A - Anyway.. I have to go. I'll talk to you tomorrow yeah?

M - Okay. Night!

A - Yeah, night! And night night to you too little one!

Once he ended the call, I turned my phone on silent and placed it on the chest of draws next to my bed, before drifting off to sleep...

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