Chapter 63

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I yawned and stretched out as I woke up the next morning. I looked to the left of me to see an empty space where Aston should be sleeping.. Where had he gotten to? I climbed out of bed and grabbed a thin silky white dressing gown to throw on over my underwear. I peeped out of the curtains in our bedroom, revealing one of the most beautiful sights I had ever seen.. A gorgeous white sandy beach, a sea even bluer than the sky, with palm trees scattered across the beach. A smile crept upon my face when I saw Aston coming out of the sea, his hand running through his short curls as water droplets slowly rolled down his toned abs.. He looked so sexy, wearing just his plain yellow swimming shorts. 

I skipped out of our room and down the stairs to the back door to greet him. He smiled as he saw me waving at him behind the glass doors which led out onto our own private section of beach.

'Morning baby' he grinned, kissing me softly as we hugged in the beaming sunlight.

'Morning. You look VERY sexy this morning' I winked at him.

'Well, I could say the same to you' he grinned cheekily, trying to tug my dressing gown off me.

'Hey!' I laughed, slapping his hands away.

'Do you want some breakfast? I ordered some food this morning, we have full English breakfast, toast or cereal' he informed me.

'Um.. cereal is fine' I smiled, following him through into our little kitchen.

'Okay, I don't have a clue how you pronounce the names of these cereal.. But one looks like cornflakes and the other looks like coco pops' he said, peering into a cupboard.

'Coco Pops please! I haven't had them in ages. Where are the glasses? I wanna get myself some water' I said, looking in a few cupboards.

'Here' Aston said, grabbing a glass from the cupboard above his head.

'Cheers' I smiled, pouring myself a glass of water and sitting down at the breakfast bar, just a Aston placed a bowl of cereal in front of me.

'There you go' he said, kissing my the top of head softly.

'Are you not having breakfast?' I asked.

'No, I've already eaten' he smiled, getting himself a glass of fresh orange juice and sitting next to me. 

'Oh.. What are we gonna do today then?' I asked as I placed a spoonful of coco pops into my mouth.

'Well, there's a market on in the town down the road from us tomorrow, so if we go there tomorrow, I was thinking maybe we could just relax here today.. I mean, we have our own beach, so of course access to the sea.. And we have a swimming pool too' Aston smiled.

'Okay, fine by me' I grinned, as I finished off my cereal and water.

'So, do you like it here?' he asked, as he stood up to wash our pots.

'Like it? Aston, I fucking love it already, it's BEAUTIFUL' I grinned.

'Good' he smiled.

'Anyway, I better go get ready! I can't exactly go swimming in my dressing gown and underwear can I' I chuckled lightly, skipping off up the stairs to get ready.

I looked at myself in the full length mirror next to our bed.. I was wearing a plain red bikini with removable straps, so I wouldn't get tan lines if I was going to sunbathe. I walked down the stairs with a towel in my hand, to be met by Aston bending over next to the stairs, with his bum stuck in the air.. He seemed to be watering a plant. He was acting like a housewife or something.. Doing the shopping, making breakfast, washing the pots, and now watering plants. He was always helpful at home, and did his share of chores, but never this much.. As I walked past him, I smacked his bum HARD, before dashing outside.

'Oi, get here, you!' he shouted at me, chasing me outside. I screamed, throwing my towel on the sandy beach as I ran down to the sea. As the water came up to the middle of my thighs, I stopped and gasped. It was FREEZING.

'Right, payback time' I heard Aston say behind me. The next thing I knew, Aston had dived on my back and pushed me into the water. I screamed at the icy cold sea, jumping up, and wading in further, as fast as I could, with Aston catching up with me. I turned around and splashed him, laughing at the face he pulled when he got the salty water in his eyes.

'Ner ner ner ner ner!' I giggled, poking my tongue out at him.

'You're so immature' he laughed, grabbing hold of me, and pulling us BOTH into the water.

'FUCK. Aston, let go, it'f freezing!' I screamed.

'I'll keep you warm' he winked, squeezing me tighter. He lifted up my legs and wrapped them around his waist as we headed deeper into the water. He then wrapped his arms around my body and squeezed me tight, rubbing his hands up and down my arms, trying to keep me warm.

'Better?' he asked sweetly.

'Better' I smiled, kissing his nose, making him scrunch it up. As we stared into each others eyes, I felt our faces growing closer together, until our lips locked in a firey passion. We eventually pulled apart, and I rested my head on his shoulder.

'I love you' he whispered in my ear, kissing my neck softly.

'I love you too' I smiled.

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