Chapter 48

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As I sat in the hospital, sobbing, my phone started buzzing in my pocket. I pulled it out to see it was Marvin calling me. I declined the call, but he kept calling me. I trudged outside the hospital, the cold morning air making me shiver instantly as it hit me. When Marvin called me for the seventh time, I hit the answer button.

Me - A Marvin - M

A - What?!

M - Ast, are you okay? Where are you? Me and Nikki are waiting outside.


M - Ast, calm down! What's going on?

A - Chloe's gone into labour, but something's gone wrong.. I don't know what's happening Marv! The doctors won't tell me anything!

M - Okay, I'll cancel our flights and we'll be to the hospital in 10.

A - No, so to California, I'll keep you updated.. 

M - Ast, I'm not going anywhere until I know what's happening!

A - Marv, there's nothing you can do! I'll text you when I know what's happening.

M - No, Ast..

I hung up before he could finish his sentence. I didn't want to talk to him right now, I just needed to stay strong for Chloe. I walked back into the hospital, returning to the same spot on the floor I slumped to earlier.

After about half an hour of waiting, a nurse came out to talk to me; the same one that ordered me to get out of the room earlier.

'Mr. Merrygold?'

'Yeah' I answered, jumping up to my feet.

'Your girlfriend is okay, she's just woken up, b-'

'Oh, thank god!' I sighed, tears of joy leaking from my eyes.

'Mr Merrygold, I have some more news.. About your baby'

'What is it? Is the baby okay?!' I panicked.

'I'm so sorry Mr Merrygold, but I'm afraid your baby didn't make it'

In that moment, my whole world came crashing down. I collapsed to the floor, puddles of liquid oozing from my eyes rapidly. It felt like my heart had been ripped out of my chest.. This was all my fault. If I'd have looked after Chloe better, like a real boyfriend should do, none of this would have happened. I was at work throughout her pregnancy. If I'd have been there and looked after her, none of this would have happened. I killed our baby.

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