Chapter 74

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'Come on babe, time to get up' Aston whispered to me, shaking me gently.

'But I don't want to get up' I mumbled, shuffling deeper under the duvet.

'Baby, you have to get up.. Come on' he said, pulling the duvet away from me, leaving me there in nothing but my underwear.

'Aston!' I snapped.

'You know what? It's a shame we have to get to the hospital, because I totally want you right now' he said huskily.

'Well, that sounds like a better idea to me' I smiled, turning round to face him, seeing him biting his lip and looking me up and down in my underwear.

'Nope, we gotta go' he sighed, shaking his head. As he went to get up, I grabbed his arm and pulled him back down. I slammed him down on the pillows and straddled his waist.

'Come on Ast, we have plenty of time' I winked, glancing at the clock to see we had just under 2 hours until my appointment started; we didn't have any time at all.

'No, we don't! Come on baby, we gotta get up' he said, struggling as he tried to get away. I stopped him by pushing my lips onto his. I ran my hands over his chest as we kissed. I could feel his little friend twitching in his boxers underneath me..

'Don't worry, we'll get to the hospital in time' I winked, as I lowered my hand down his boxers, causing him to breathe in sharply.

'Faster Ast, faster!' I screamed at him as we drove to the hospital, swerving in and out of cars.

'You were in a lot better mood when you were saying that earlier' he smirked.

'Shut up and drive!' I giggled.

'Well, I did tell you we'd be late!' he said.

'We aren't late yet, we don't have to be there for another.. 4 minutes' I smiled.

'I guess if I drive really fast, we'll get there JUST on time' he said, picking up the pace slightly.

'Hi, sorry we're late.. I'm here to see Doctor Harrison' I smiled at the person sat behind the reception desk.

'Oh, you're Miss Smith, right?' she asked.

'Yeah, that's me' I smiled.

'Okay, she's waiting for you, just follow the corridor round that way, and it's the first room on your left' she smiled, pointing to one of the corridors.

'Okay, thanks' I smiled, linking my fingers with Aston's and following her instructions. I knocked on the door when we reached it, hearing someone mumble something on the other side.. Assuming it was the doctor telling us to come in, I opened the door.

'Hi Chloe, how are you feeling today?' she asked as me and Aston sat down.

'Yeah, I'm feeling good! Sorry we're late, we got hold up' I said. I felt Aston squeeze my hand, causing me to smile.

'Oh it's fine, don't worry about it! So, we best get on with this then.. If you'd like to take a seat on the bed' she smiled, looking over to a sort of hospital bed. I sat down on the edge, watching her grab a box from one of the cupboards.

'Now, I'm going to give you two injections, but first, I need to make sure you're ABSOLUTELY okay with it..' she said.

'Yeah, I'm okay with it.. I just wanna get rid of this thing' I sighed.

'Okay, well, here goes the first one..' she said, taking the cap off the top of the needle. I turned away as she took hold of my arm.. I hated injections. Aston held my hand as she injected the liquid into my veins, and then did the same to the other arm with the second injection.

'Well, you're all done.. That's you're first course of chemo finished. You both brought overnight bags, right?' she asked.

'Yeah, they're in the car' Aston said.

'Okay, well you're gonna have to go to the room we have ready for you..' she said.

'Okay' I smiled.

'Follow me' she instructed, leading us out of the room.

'This is it' she smiled, opening the door to a small room with a single bed and a sofa bed, with a TV, mini-fridge and sink. It also had a bathroom leading off of it, which was just for us.

'If you need anything, just press this button, there'll be a nurse nearby' she said, pointing to an orange button above my bed.

'Okay' I smiled.

'Well, I'm gonna have to go.. Bye' she said, shutting the door.

'I'm gonna go get the bags' Aston said.

'Okay' I sighed, as I was left alone to get settled into this room..

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