Chapter 64

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We spent the day messing around with each other. Splashing each other in the sea, having competitions in the pool to see who could hold their breath the longest, and burying each other in the sand. As the sun began to set, we headed back inside for something to eat. We'd snacked throughout the day, so we hadn't really had any proper lunch.. But Aston had said he was going to cook us dinner. What he was cooking, I didn't know, but I'm sure he would make everything perfect.

I flattened down my dress as I descended down the stairs. I'd put a simple outfit on, since we weren't going anywhere.. But I'd made a bit of an effort, wearing a sleeveless reddy-pink dress, which faded to a dark charcoal colour in various patches.. Kinda like a tie-die pattern. To dress it down a bit, I was wearing dark grey gladiator sandals with my hair swept back into a loose high-up pony tail, and I'd kept my makeup very simple.

'Dinner's ready' Aston shouted as he placed our plates on the table, not realising I was already downstairs.

'Mmmmmm, that smells delicious' I grinned.

'Oh, there you are!' he smiled.

'Here I am' I winked, heading towards the table, whilst Aston pulled my chair out for me to sit on.

'You're such a gentleman' I smiled, as I picked up my knife and fork.

'Of course I am' he winked.

'Ast, is this caviar?! And lobster?!' I gasped as I inspected my plate.

'Yeah. I thought since we were next to the sea, I'd make us sea food.. You look very beautiful tonight by the way' he winked.

'Thankyou, but.. This must have cost you loads to buy the ingredients!' I said, tucking into my meal.

'Aaaaah, didn't cost that much' he said with his mouthfull.

'Ast, this tastes amazing!' I said, astounded that he was capable of cooking something so complex, so well.

'Thanks' he grinned, showing the contents of his mouth.

'Ast, close your mouth!' I giggled. He smirked, before doing as he was told.

'So, what do you wanna do tonight?' Aston asked as he sat sipping his beer while I washed up.. I wouldn't let him wash up, as he'd already done too much for me today.

'I dunno.. You choose' I smiled.

'Well, we could go for a walk on the beach?' he suggested.

'Sure, that sounds fun to me' I smiled.

Once I'd finished washing up, we headed out onto the beach, and started walking.. I'd taken off my sandals, and they were dangling from my left hand, my right hand joined to Aston's. We were walking right next to the sea, so my feet were trailing through the tiny waves which came up to my ankles. The moonlight shone down on us, making things even more romantic.

'Ast..' I said, stopping us where we were.

'Hmm?' he asked, turning to face me.

'Thankyou.. For everything you've done for me.. I don't know where I'd be without you' I smiled, pecking his lips.

'It's no problem, honestly! We BOTH needed to get away from things' he winked, rubbing his thumb across my cheek gently.

'No, I don't just mean today.. You've been such a great boyfriend to me THROUGHOUT our relationship. I love you so much it hurts' I smiled up at him.

'I love you too' he said, before his lips crushed mine. We both stumbled back, further up the beach, collapsing on the sand.

'Ast, someone might see us' I warned as his hands moved up my thighs.

'No they won't, there's nobody around for miles, and it's pitch black' he said, flipping us over so I was underneath.

'Are you sure?' I asked.

'Positive. Be adventurous' he winked.

We were soon stripped down to our underwear. He stood up and searched for his trousers, reaching into the pocket.

'Shit' he mumbled.

'What's up?' I asked.

'I don't have a condom.. I guess we'll have to carry on with this when we get back' he sighed.

'Wait..' I said, stopping him from pulling his trousers back on.

'What?' he asked, stopping what he was doing.

'Maybe we should try again' I suggested.

'Try what again?' he asked, raising an eyebrow.

'Maybe we should try for another baby..' I said, looking away from him, avoiding any awkward eye contact if he didn't want to.

'Do you want a baby?' he asked me, sitting down on the sand and taking my hands in his, so I turned to face him.

'I dunno.. I guess. I mean, we were both so excited before, and I just.. I dunno. Maybe this is a sign that we should try again' I said, looking down at our hands.

'Chloe, if you want a baby, I'll give you a baby' he smiled, pulling my chin up so I looked him in the eye.

'No, not if you don't want to!' I said.

'Chloe, I want us to have our own little family. And I want YOU to be happy. If you think now is the right time, then I'll give you a baby' he smiled.

'Are you sure? Because if we don't use protection, then there's no going back' I warned him.

'Chloe, I'm sure' he smiled, un-clipping my bra and flinging it to one side. He gently pushed me down so I was laying down. He placed his lips in between my breasts and slowly kissed down my stomach. When he reached my knickers, he slowly peeled them off me and threw them behind him. He stood up and removed his boxers, before coming back to my level.

'Ready?' he asked. I nodded, smiling, as he slowly pushed himself into me..

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