Chapter 88

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'Hi, appointment for Smith?' I panted as I stood at the reception desk, with Aston stood by my side, after we'd just ran to our appointment through the hospital.

'Just in time! If you follow the corridor down there, you'll find your appointment room; number 27' she smiled at us.

'Okay, thanks' I smiled back, linking my fingers with Aston's as we headed to our first appointment of the day. Aston knocked at the door when we reached it, someone instantly replying.

'Come in' a voice on the other side of the door said. I opened the door and walked inside the small room, Aston following me.

'Hello, Chloe, how are you?' Doctor Harrison smiled at me.

'I'm feeling a lot better thanks' I said as we sat down.

'Good, that's good to hear' she smiled, as she began questioning me about the cancer.

'Okay, so just like last time, lay down and keep completely still' Doctor Harrison told me as I laid down on the board, ready to be monitored to see if my cancer was still present. I turned my head to the other side, to see Aston stood at the other side of the glass.

'Good luck' he mouthed, making me smile. I turned my head back upright and took a deep breath as Doctor Harrison left the room. I closed my eyes when I heard the machine start up..

'Okay, so, I have some good news and some bad news. Which do you want first?' Doctor Harrison said as we sat back in the appointment room after the results had come through.

'Give us the bad news first; save the best until last' I smiled, before feeling Aston squeeze my hand.

'Okay, well, unfortunately you still have the cancer after these eight weeks' she said. Right in that very moment, I felt my world crash down once more. I thought I was in the clear, good to go, I'd been feeling much better; but no. Apart from Aston, nothing good ever happened to me, and nothing else ever would.

'Oh..' I said quietly.

'But!' she smiled, catching my attention again.

'What?' I questioned.

'There is only a small part of the cancer left, which means if you have another SMALLER dosage of chemotherapy, the cancer should be gone completely in no more than four weeks' she smiled.

'Oh, thank god!' I sighed with relief. Aston wrapped my arms around me and squeezed me tight.. I guess good things did happen to me.. Occasionally.

After another course of chemo, me and Aston headed off to appointment two, which we were both a lot more enthusiastic about.

Reaching for HappinessNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ