Chapter 33

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A week later, I was spending my last morning with Aston before he headed off to Liverpool for the first night of the JLS tour. While Aston was on tour, I had to go stay at some shitty care place near the hospital, since Aston wasn't here to help me with basic things. I'd have nurses helping me instead.

'Aston, I don't want you to go!' I sighed.

'I know, I don't want to leave you either, but I've got to!' I smiled, stroking my cheek with his hand.

'This is gonna be horrible..' I said sadly.

'Baby, I'll see you next week when we're back in London, don't worry!' he said reassuringly. 'And then you'll be back out of that care center for a few days'

'I know.. I'm just really gonna miss you' I said, snuggling further into Aston's chest, my arm wrapped around his stomach and his arms wrapped around me.

'Come on then, we better get out of bed' he said, throwing the bed sheets back and helping me out of bed and into my wheelchair. He wheeled me into the bathroom as I did my morning routine, before he helped me get dressed and get downstairs.

'So, what do you want to do this morning?' he asked, smiling.

'I dunno.. It's up to you' I sighed.

'Babe, cheer up' he said, kissing my forehead.

'Sorry, I'm being really selfish.. It's our last day together and I'm being miserable. We could go out for some lunch?' I suggested.

'Sure, that sounds great. As soon as we get some breakfast' he chuckled, holding his belly which seemed to coincidentally grumble at that exact moment. We got some breakfast, and then headed out. We went for a walk in the park first, letting our breakfast go down before our lunch.

'It's lovely outside today' Aston said as he wheeled me through the park in my wheelchair. I felt stupid, but I didn't care.

'I know' I smiled, looking around and enjoying our little walk. It was soon spoiled when paps turned up, snapping shots of us and following us.

'Come on, lets go' Aston said, wheeling me towards the exit of the park.

'Chloe, are you pregnant? You seem to be nursing your stomach' one of them shouted at me. We ignored them, and made our way to the car. Once Aston had helped me in and folded up my wheelchair and put it in his boot, we both let out a sigh.

'I think it's time we told people about the baby Aston. I'm three months pregnant..' I said.

'Me too' he agreed. 'Management said we could announce it anytime, so I think we should do it today'

'Okay.. Are you gonna tweet about it or something?' I asked.

'Yeah.. I'll do it when we get back home' he said, driving off to the little restaurant where we had our first date, to get some lunch.

When we got home, Aston switched on his iPad straight away and loaded twitter.

'Right, what should I put?' he asked.

'Um.. I don't know' I giggled. He tapped away on the keypad, until he was happy with his message.

'Okay, done' he smiled, showing me. It said;

"I am happy to announce that me and Chloe are expecting a baby just after the summer! I'm gonna be a daddy! Ansaaaaaa! Axx"

'Aww, that's well cute' I smiled.

'Okay, should I send it?'

'Go for it' I said confidently. He clicked tweet, as we watched the mentions come flooding in. A few people were telling Aston he was to childish to become a father, saying he was still a kid, which upset him a bit. But there were mostly positive ones congratulating us.

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