Chapter 69

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'Chloe, I'm seriously worried about you.. I just don't want you to be alone, okay?' Aston sighed.

'Aston, I have cancer.. I'm not fucking disabled' I argued.

'WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO REALIZE THAT I'M ONLY TRYING TO HELP YOU?! I love you Chloe, and I just want you to be okay..' he said, lowering his tone towards the end.

'I can take care of myself perfectly fine, Aston!' I said.

'I know, but I want you to have a friend to support you when you're upset..' he explained.

'But Aston, I-'

We were interrupted by a knocking at the door. Aston went down from our bedroom to answer it as I collapsed back onto our bed and let out a sigh. I heard talking downstairs, followed by footsteps coming back up the stairs..

'Baby, the boys are here to pick me up.. I'll see you at the end of the month, okay?' he smiled.

'Okay' I sighed. He came towards me and leaned over me, pressing his lips onto mine.. We shared a passionate kiss, before he broke away and trotted back down the stairs, with me behind him.

'Chloe!' Jaanvi grinned as she saw me, pulling me in for a hug as I reached the bottom of the stairs.

'Hey babe' I smiled.

'Okay, well.. I'll see you at the end of the month then' Aston sighed, turning to leave.

'Wait' I said, stopping him. As he turned back around, our lips met once again for another perfect kiss.

'I love you' I said quietly.

'Love you too' he smiled, kissing the tip of my nose. Me and Jaanvi waved them off, before retreating back into the house.

'Do you want a drink?' I asked her.

'Sure.. Water is fine' she smiled.

'So, you and Reesh still good?' I asked, coming through from the kitchen with a water and a glass of orange juice.

'Yeah, me and Oritsé are fine. What about you and Aston?'

'We're good too' I smiled.

'I'm gonna miss him' she sighed.

'Yeah, I'll miss Ast too' I frowned.

'Well, at least we have each other!' she winked.

'Yup, and we're gonna even more fun than we did in that shitty care home!' she grinned, as we clinked our glasses together.

Reaching for Happinessजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें