Chapter 28

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I woke up the next morning in snuggled up next to Aston. I'd already called work and explained why I wouldn't be in work today. I got ready, dressing smartly in a fitted knee length flack dress with black heels. I tied my hair up to try and look as formal as I could. Aston just dressed casually, but I wanted to look formal for this. When we got there, everyone looked casual, except me. It was just like an interview... I'd gotten the idea of a press conference all wrong. We sat and answered questions, answering all of them truthfully, apart from the bit about me being pregnant. They didn't have to know that yet. When we finished, me and Aston went back to his apartment.

'Well, I'm glad we got that over and done with' he sighed.

'Me too. Now we don't have to hide anymore' I smiled. We spent the next few hours online shopping for furniture. We were moving in on Friday.. In six days. I couldn't wait. We ordered loads of furniture to be delivered. We were decorating the baby's room white, as we didn't want to find out whether we had a boy or girl when we had our scan. Speaking of scans.. Our first one was on Monday. That was also something I was really looking forward to. It was less than 10 weeks since I found out I was pregnant, but 10 weeks since I'd actually gotten pregnant. I was so excited.. It would be a good week for us..

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