Chapter 22

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My eyelids fluttered open. My head was resting on Aston's bare chest. He was stroking my hip with his fingers gently, tickling me slightly. I shivered as I snuggled into Aston. 

'You awake babe?' he whispered.

'Hmm..' I replied, before yawning.

'Tire you out last night did I?' he grinned cheekily.

'Maybe..' I giggled. He pressed his lips onto the top of my head softly. I closed my eyes again, before drifting back to sleep.

I woke up again a while later. I didn't open my eyes; I could hear talking. Aston and Marvin. Aston was still laid next to me with his arms wrapped around me securely. I guess Marvin must have been by the door.. That's where it sounded like his voice was coming from.

'Are you two properly okay now then?' Marvin asked.

'Yeah.. Back to normal, only we have a little one as well now' he whispered. It was hard not to smile at what he said. Little one.. Cute.

'Good. What are you gonna do about the baby then?' Marvin whispered. What does he mean, 'do about the baby'? No way am I getting rid of it. As much as I don't want this baby, I can't get rid of it. It wouldn't be right to do that.

'I don't know.. We'll talk about it when she wakes up I guess' Aston sighed.

'Okay..' Marvin paused. 'You really hurt her last night Ast'

'I know.. It killed me to know she was hurting, and it was all my fault. I just didn't know what to think. There was no way she could be pregnant. But I guess accidents happen' he sighed again.

'You'll take care of her though, yeah? She's like a sister to me, and I don't want to see her getting hurt, okay?'

'Okay bruv' Aston replied. I heard Aston's bedroom door shut. I had a variety of thoughts running through my head. I was knocked out of my thoughts when my phone started ringing. I pretended I'd just woke up; slowly opening my eyes and yawning. I gave Aston a quick morning kiss before pulling my phone out from under my pillow. Caller ID - Joe. Joe was my brother.. He was 2 years younger than me. I moved to the UK about a week after his 21st birthday. I hadn't seen him since his birthday, since he lives in America, and I hadn't talked to him since New Years Day, when I called him to wish him a happy new year.

Me - M Joe - J

M - Joe! How are you?!

J - Hey Chloe! I'm good thanks, how are you?

M - I'm great thanks! Called for a catch up?

J - Well, there's kinda something me and Georgia wanted to tell you.. (Georgia is Joe's girlfriend)

M - Okay..

J - Okay, it's on speakerphone, can you hear us?

M - Yeah. Georgia? Are you there too?

G - Hi Chloe! Yeah, I'm here too

M - Okay, so what's this announcement then?

G - Well, as of last night..

J - We're engaged!

M - OMG! Congratulations!

G - You should see my ring.. It's gorgeous!

M - Aww, I'm so happy for you both! My baby brother's growing up

J - Don't go all soppy on us

M - Sorry

J - Okay, we gotta go, we've got lots of people to call.

M - Okay. Congratulations again! Missing you both loads!

G - Thanks! Missing you too!

J - I'll call you soon, yeah?

M - Okay, bye!


I hung up the phone and placed it back on my pillow. A tear rolled down my cheek.. A happy tear. My little brother was getting married.. I was so happy for Joe and Georgia.

'Babe.. are you okay?' Aston asked, before catching a tear that was about to fall from my face with his finger.

'Yeah.. That was Joe on the phone. He's getting married' I smiled.

'Him and Georgia?' he asked.

'Yeah' I smiled

'Well, congratulations the them' he smiled. I snuggled back down into Aston's chest, and just enjoyed the silence.

'Babe, we need to talk' Aston sighed, breaking the silence.

'What about?' I asked, although I already knew, as I'd heard him and Marvin talking earlier.

'The baby.. What are we gonna do about it?'

'Well, I'm not getting rid of it if that's what your suggesting!' I said, raising my voice at the end. I'd never talked about kids with Aston before, and I didn't know what he thought about abortion.

'No, I didn't mean that! I don't agree with abortion' he said. Phew, he didn't want to kill this baby.

'Okay.. What do you want to talk about then?'

'Well, we're kinda left in an awkward situation here. We don't live together, and that could be confusing for the kid when it's growing up. So.. I've been doing some thinking..'

'What?' I asked, eager to find out if he was going to ask me.

'I know it's still really early in our relationship, but this baby had made it a lot more serious. So.. Do you want to move in with me? Not here.. Like, in our own place?' he smiled slightly. I grin spread across my face.

'Of course!' I screamed slightly, giggling and leaning in for a kiss. Then kiss quickly became more passionate. I laid down, and Aston leaned over me.

'We'll have to tell people about our relationship now you know..' he said as he pulled away from the kiss.

'I know. I'll be glad when we don't have to hide anymore though' I smiled.

'And I'll be glad not to keep you a secret.. I want the world to know I have a beautiful wife!' he beamed, before he realised what he said. 'I mean, erm, girlfriend..' he stuttered, going red slightly. I giggled at him.. He was so sweet.

'Shut up and kiss me Merrygold' I grinned, as he smiled and leaned in for another kiss. We were both only wearing our underwear, so I noticed pretty quickly that Aston was turned on. He kissed along my neck, nibbling slightly, leaving a love bite. I ran my fingers down his toned chest, making him shiver slightly. I sunk my hand into his boxers, and began to pleasure him. After he'd done, he rolled over so I was sat on top of him. I'd pulled down his boxers by now, so I was the only one wearing anything. I kissed along his jaw line and up to his ear, sucking on his ear lobe. He let out a slight moan, before reaching round my back and undoing the clasp on my bra. He threw my bra across the room, before he managed to pull down my knickers...

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