Chapter 14

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Me and Aston had been figuring out how and when to tell Marvin about us all week. Finally, we had come up with a plan. I had arranged to come and visit Marvin and Aston at the weekend, and me and Aston were going to tell him then.

It was Saturday morning, and I was getting ready to go to Aston and Marvin's. I'd had a shower, left my hair natural and applied minimal makeup. I was wearing skinny jeans, a white Abercrombie top and a thin grey cardigan. I grabbed a shoulder bag, threw anything I needed in it, and drove off to Aston and Marvin's. I got to their flat and knocked on their door, then waited to be let in. The door swung open, revealing a smiling Marvin.

'Hey babe' he smiled, hugging me and kissing my cheek.

'Hi Marv!'

'Come in' Marvin said, opening the door open further. I stepped inside,and made my way to the living room with Marvin. We sat down and started chatting about old times.

'Marv?' called Aston from upstairs. I looked up to the stairs to see Aston stood there with a towel wrapped around his waist, and water droplets dripping from his hair to his chest, and then slowly rolling down his abs.. I bit my lip, and then he noticed me. 

'Oh, hey Chloe!' he giggled. 'I'll be down in 5'

A few minutes later, Aston came downstairs dressed in joggers and a dark red T-Shirt. His hair was fluffy, as he hadn't styled it after his shower.

'Hey Ast' I smiled, waving my hand at him.

'Hi' he grinned. He sat down next to me, and we all carried on our conversation.

'Marvin.. There's a reason why I came here today' I said after about half an hour.

'Yeah, because you had nothing to do today, right?' he smiled.

'Well, that was one reason, but there's a bigger reason than that..' I trailed off.

'What?' Marvin asked. 

'Well, me and Aston.. Well, we..' I started. 'I don't know how to word this'

'Me and Chloe are in a relationship' Aston said, straight to the point. Marvin looked between us, before his face cracked into a smile.

'Since when?' he smiled.

'Um.. I dunno.. a few weeks maybe? Sorry we didn't tell you straight away, we wanted to keep it a secret in case things didn't work out' I explained.

'No, it's fine! I'm happy for you!' he smiled.

'Good' Aston grinned, slipping his arm around my waist and kissing the side of my head. Right now, I was happy. Me and Aston didn't have to hide away, we could be open with our friends and family. Not with the public yet, but we would get to that stage.

'You know what? We should all go out tonight. And then me and Aston can tell everyone about us' I smiled.

'Yeah, great idea! You up for it Marv?' Aston asked.

'No, I can't, I'm taking Nikki out..'

'Oh, no problem' I smiled. 

'Maybe we should have a date night?' Aston suggested.

'Yeah, we should do that' I smiled.

'You can't have it here, I'm planning a surprise for Nikki here' Marvin told us.

'Okay, my place then?' I asked Aston.

'Yeah, sounds great' he smiled.

'I'll cook you a meal!' I grinned.

'Oooh, nice!' he chuckled. An hour or two later, me and Aston drove off to the supermarket to get some food for our meal. He stayed in the car, as he would cause a bit of a scene if he walked into Tesco. I picked up a few ingredients.. I was making chicken stir fry, easy and simple to make. I payed for my ingredients, and made my way back to the car. I put everything in the boot, and then realised Aston wasn't in the car. 

'Aston?' I called out. 

'Over here babe' I heard him shout. I looked over to the direction I heard him from to see him stood with a little girl with a JLS top on. She only looked about 6. I smiled at him, as he ruffled her hair and made his way back over to me. He was so good with kids.

'Ready?' he asked me.

'Yeah, come on' I smiled.

Me and Aston got back to my apartment, and sat and watched movies for a while, until I started making dinner. When it was ready, I placed the meal on the dining room table. 

'Ready babe?' Aston smiled at me.

'Ready' I grinned. We sat down, and ate the food, whilst drinking wine. 

'That was delicious' Aston smiled.

'Thankyou' I grinned. We got back to watching movies after that.

We were halfway through watching 'Love Actually', when I felt Aston's head drop onto the top of my head. I looked up at him to see him asleep. I smiled at him, and then went to get a blanket. I turned off the lights and TV, and then sat back down with Aston, laying the blanket over us. After a few minutes, when I was half asleep, he sat up and looked around the room. I looked up at him.

'Did I fall asleep?' he asked me, pushing any stray hair on my face behind my ear.

'Yeah' I giggled.

'Oh, sorry'

'Its okay. But since your awake, shall we go to bed? Its a lot comfier than the sofa'

'Okay' he smiled. I stood up, and started walking towards the stairs.

'No, let me' he smiled. He swept me off my feet, and carried me up the stairs.

'Aston, put me down! You'll hurt yourself!'

'Are you saying I'm weak?' he asked, pretending to look hurt.

'No, of course I'm not' I giggled. 'I'm saying I'm heavy, and you'll hurt your back'

'Babe, believe me when I say your not heavy' he said, placing me down as we had got to my room. He turned the light on as I made my way to my draw to get some pyjamas out. I slipped off my clothes, leaving me in lacy white underwear. I heard Aston wolf whistle at me. 

'Shush you' I giggled, throwing my pillow from my bed at him.

'You know, I'm really not tired anymore. Maybe you could.. tire me out a bit?' he smiled, walking towards me.

'Well.. Since you've been a good boy.. Okay then' I smiled, as Aston locked his lips on mine. We fell onto my bed, and I began 'tiring Aston out'.

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