Chapter 29

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Monday came in no time, and me and Aston were getting ready for our scan. Neither of us could sleep the night before, we were both too excited. Like kids trying to get to sleep on Christmas eve. But the day was finally here.

'Morning beautiful' Aston smiled at me. 'And good morning to you too little one, don't go thinking I've forgotten about you!' he smiled, blowing raspberries on my belly.

'Ast!' I squealed. 'Get off!'

'Sorry baby' he grinned, kissing me softly. 'Come on, we've got an appointment to get to!'

When we got to the hospital, we sat waiting for our appointment. We finally got called to go in, nearly half an hour after we were supposed to have our appointment..

'Finally!' Aston said loudly, making a few people chuckle. We were lead into a clinical looking room by a nurse.

'Hi! You must be Chloe and Aston' a woman said as we entered the room, the nurse closing the door behind us.

'That's us!' I smiled.

'It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Anna, and I'm going to be your midwife' she said, shaking both our hands. 'Right, if you'd like to lay down, we'll get this baby checked out' she smiled. I laid down on a bed and lifted my top up above my belly. I looked down at my stomach.. This was the very first time I'd noticed it wasn't flat anymore. You couldn't tell I had a bump unless you looked closely, but it was there. A tiny bump. Aston sat at one side of the bed, and ran his warm hand over my stomach gently. He leaned down and kissed my belly, like he does when we wake up in a morning.

'Can't wait to see you little one' he whispered. I loved how he called our baby that.. Our little one.

'Right, this is going to be quite cold' Anna said, squeezing some gel onto my belly. Aston took hold of my hand and rubbed his fingers over the top of it. Anna switched on a machine at the other side of me before running the monitor over the gel on my belly. I felt my hand get slightly sweaty in Aston's as she searched for a heartbeat.. It was taking a while to find. Was there a heartbeat in there at all? I squeezed Aston's hand tighter, looking at him with a worried expression on my face. He looked worried too.. Then I heard a beep from the machine.. I shot my eyes towards it to see a small shape moving on the screen.

'That's your baby' Anna smiled, turning the machine towards us so we could see it better.

'Oh my god' I whispered, leaning closer to the screen. A grin spread across my face. I reached out my hand and stroked my fingers across the screen.. It was quite amazing that there was a tiny being living inside me. Our baby. I looked at Aston.. He looked like he was going to cry. He looked so proud.

'I'll leave you to have some time alone for a bit while I go print off some pictures for you to take home' Anna smiled, leaving the room.

'I can't believe that's our baby in there' Aston said, running his hand over my belly, and then pulling a face and wiping his hand on the side of the bed because he'd gotten gel on his hand.

'I know.. I can't believe it' I said, a single tear rolling down my cheek.

'I really do love you Chloe' Aston smiled, leaning in to kiss me.

'Ditto' I giggled, as he pulled away. As he was about to lean in for another kiss, Anna came back into the room.

'Here you go' she smiled, passing us the pictures. Three beautiful pictures. I looked at them, admiring them, before passing them to Aston. His face lit up even more when he saw them. He leaned his head down to one, kissing it. He really was going to be an amazing daddy...

'Am I right in believing you don't want to know the sex of your baby?' Anna asked us.

'That's right. We want it to be a surprise' I smiled. 

'Okay' Anna smiled, rubbing the gel off my belly with a warm damp cloth. 'Well, if you want to come through to my office, I'll talk you through some of the changes your body will go through in the months leading up to birth, and how to cope with everything'

'Okay' I smiled, pulling my top back down. Aston helped me off the bed, then we went next door to Anna's office. We sat there as she explained everything in detail. Some things made me cringe like mad, but if we got a baby out of it at the end, it was worth it. I was actually glad I'd gotten pregnant now.. It had brought me and Aston way closer. I was ready to start my family.

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