Pregnancy hints prank

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"So today, we'll be pranking Jimin hyung. I'm gonna act like I'm showing off pregnancy hints for him. I'm not really pregnant everybody(yet✌)" Jungkook whispers to the camera, placing it down and making sure it films him. Going back to the bed, and acting like he just woke up. Looking at Jimin, he shook him and whined.
"Hyung, I want some mangoes" He says, the older slowly woke up, looking at him with confusion.

"Gosh, Kook, get it yourself, it's too early" Jimin says, resting his head. Jungkook continues to whine, shaking him again.
"Hyung, plea--" The younger cuts himself off, covering his mouth as he dry heaved. The older panicked at this, looking at the younger with worry. Jungkook stood up, running to the bathroom and acted like he's throwing up. Jimin ran after him, seeing the puke in the toilet bowl.

Crouching down, he rubs the younger's back.
"What's happening to you?" He asks, the younger just continued to heave.
"I don't know" Jungkook says before he started crying, adding more worry to Jimin.
"Shh, come on, you want mangoes right?" The older says, making Jungkook change mood.

"I don't want mangoes anymore, I want kimbap" Now, Jimin got Kore suspicious. He raises his brow and helped the younger up.
"Are you pregnant or something?" He asks before Jungkook started crying again.
"Why are you crying?" Jimin asks, looking at Jungkook.
"Because you don't realize I'm pranking you" The younger said before laughing. Jimin scoffs, slapping his ass, earning a yelp.

"Gosh, Kook"

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