Ignoring my boyfriend prank

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"Hey Wassup you guys(Shane Dawson anyone?), it's me Jiminie!" Jimin said, waving at the camera.

(Okay, let's skip the intro)

"Hyung, I cooked some pancakes, want some?" Jungkook asks, the older didn't answer and continued to play Overwatch. The younger pouts and just sat down beside the older, eating quietly. Jungkook watches as Jimin talks to his friends on the game while he just sat there, pouting and tears brimming at his eyes.

"Hyung, can I play with you?" Jungkook tried again but the older continued to ignore him. He was getting pissed now so he slapped Jimin's back, emitting a loud sound. Jimin screams, looking at the boy. Jungkook stood up before walking upstairs and to their room.

Jimin turned the TV off before following the boy. He knocks on the door, but it wasn't open.
"Baby, open the door" Jimin said, but a he heard was cries.
"Go away and play with you stupid fucking bitchy shitty game" He heard Jungkook say, his voice shaking.
"I was just pranking you, baby" Jimin said, not wanting to sleep on the couch.

"I don't give a shitty fuckity fuck, you'll sleep on that fucking couch" He heard the younger say, which got him scared since the younger only curse when he's super mad.
"I'll fucking forgive you if you sleep in the shitty couch" Jungkook shouts.
"Okay!" Jimin says, not wanting to argue and make his punishment more hard.

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