Bleeding head prank

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Jungkook walks downstairs, seeing his boyfriend watching something. He smirks before going back upstairs to do something.

Jungkook took a deep breath, winking at the camera before screaming.
"HYUNG!!!!" He screams, putting the fake blood on his head. He then heard loud footsteps before their bedroom door opened. As the bedroom door opened, it reveals Jimin who had a frantic expression while panting.

"What!? What!?" Jimin says as he looks around the room. His eyes then landed on Jungkook who was holding his head. He walks to his boyfriend, seeing the boy's pained expression.
"Baby?" He says, walking closer but stopped when his socks got wet. He looks down which was a bad idea as he saw what he just stepped on.

"What happened, baby!? Are you hurt!?" Jimin asks, checking Jungkook's left hand and his legs for any wounds. When he didn't find any, he then removed Jungkook's hand that held his head. As he removed it, he saw the big cut on the younger's head.
"What caused that!?" He frantically asks, looking for any towels jn the room. He then got his towel, then ran back to Jungkook.

"I-I tripped on s-something and then hit m-my he-head h-here" Jungkook stutters to make it sound like it really hurts. Jimin pressed the towel on his fake wound, which he winced to.
"H-hyung, it h-hurts" He says, fake tears welling up in his eyes.
"Shh, Shhh... I have to do this so it will stop bleeding, just hold my hand if it really hurts bad" The older says as he continued to put pressure on Jungkook's fake wound.

As Jimin's pressing on his fake wound got rougher, the younger gripped his hand.
"Hyung, stop" Jungkook says, gripping on the older's hand. The older stopped pressing, removing the towel and sighing in relief as he saw it wasn't bleeding anymore.
"Hyung... " Jimin heard Jungkook's soft voice. He looks at the side and saw the younger smiling at him.

"Yes?" He replied before hearing the younger's giggles.
"It was just a prank, but thank you for that" Jungkook says as he smiled his bunny smile.
"What? It was just a prank, thank god" He says as he wiped his fake sweat.

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