Annoying Jungkook for a day

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MissHoneyTae also requested this 😘

Jimin sat down at their couch, whistling as he knew it bothers Jungkook. People whistling in a comfortable silence irritates the younger, he wanted some peace and they'll just interrupt it? What the fuck.
"Hyung, can you stop that, I'm trying to relax here" The younger says, rolling his eyes. Jimin just scoffed and continued on doing it, which irritated Jungkook more. The younger stood up, stomping out of the room and going to the kitchen.

Jimin also stood up, following the younger and started whistling again. But now, he decided to come closer. He backhugged the younger, whistling right by his ear. He received a slap on the chest because of this, and the younger stomped upstairs. Jimin chuckles, and did another thing the younger hated, loud noises. He gets two pans and started hitting it together, emitting loud sounds.
"Stop that, you pabo!" He heard Jungkook yell, but he just laughed through it and continued on.

He heard loud stomping footsteps and was met with an irritated Jungkook. The younger snatched the pans, pretending to hit it on the older.
"Want me to hit this on your head?" He asks, the older shaking his head as a no. The younger rolled his eyes, putting the pans down and flicking the older's nose. The older groaned, holding onto his nose. The younger walked out, going to the living room and turning the TV on. Jimin followed the younger, sitting down beside him before unbuttoning his shirt.

"Stop!" Jungkooo whines, buttoning his shirt again. The older pinched the younger's cheeks, which was slowly turning red from how hard he was pinching it. The younger slapped his hands, and pinched the older's nose.
"Oops" Jimin says, seeing the younger's cheeks that now turned to red like he was blushing.
"Oops" Jungkook also said, seeing Jimin's nose that had red in it like he was Rudolf. They laughed at each others state, ruffling each others hair.

"Welp, that irritated me"
"I was doing it, and I had fun"
"Haha, funny"

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