I want a baby now prank

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Jimin holds the camera, walking upstairs as he makes a shh gesture. He opens his and Jungkook's room door, seeing the younger who was still sleeping with the blanket covering his whole body. He sets the camera up, making sure it cannot be seen by the younger.

After setting the camera up, he slowly climbs up to bed. Making a shh gesture on the camera, he held Jungkook's covered arm. He then shakes the younger, hovering over him.
"Baby~~" He said, kissing the younger's cheeks and nuzzling his head in his neck. Jungkook moves, groaning as he slaps Jimin's hands on his chest where his nipples is placed.

"Go away, hyung" Jungkook said in his morning voice, giving the older a glare.
"Baby, wake up" Jimin said, seeing the younger going back to sleep.
"Why?" The younger asks, scratching his head as a sign of frustration.
"Let's make some baby here" Jimin said, poking Jungkook's belly. He continued to poke the younger's belly before he was stopped as the younger slapped his hand again.
"Early in the morning? Can't you just make my weekend peaceful, I'm tired because of the homework I did last night" Jungkook said as he covered his head with the blanket.

Jimin uncovers Jungkook, kissing his forehead, cheeks and lips over and over again.
"But I'm hard, baby" The older said, unbuttoning the buttons of the younger's pajamas.
"Your hands have some purpose, hyung, use it" Jungkook said as he whined and closed his eyes. He got startled when the older bit his neck, slapping the older as he glared.
"That hurt you know" He said as he held the spot the older bit.

"Please, it'll be quick" Jimin pleaded, clasping his hands together.
"Haha, haha, no" Jungkook said, rolling his eyes as he laid back down and closing his eyes. Jimin got off the younger who now covered his head with the blanket. He gets the camera, crouching down beside the bed as he got it.
"Baby, baby, look!" Jimin said as he shakes the younger's body. He heard Jungkook sigh, uncovering himself before looking at him.
"What!?" The younger said, seeing the camera. He looks at Jimin before going back to covering himself.

"Ugh! You woke me up, just for this?"
"Yup*laughs*, but really I'm hard"

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