Hoseok: Everything I Ever Wanted

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Today was a special day for your family; it was your husband's birthday. 

Hoseok woke up very early in the morning, leaving you to sleep in more because he knew you were never a morning person, and ever since your little boy was born, sleep stopped becoming a part of your life. So, your lovely husband let you sleep while he walked down the hall to the nursery. 

Hongil was beginning to wake up, his little hands balled into fists as he started to grow fussy. Hoseok knew he had a dirty diaper, but he found it rather amusing to watch his chubby little son wake up. The second the two-month-old began to squeak in discomfort, your husband picked him up and took him over to the changing table. 

"Guess what, little man?" Hoseok whispered as he changed the dirty diaper, "It's your appa's birthday. I'm twenty-six now, isn't that crazy?" 

He knew Hongil didn't really care at this point in his life, but the baby did laugh at his father, kicking his feet happily. That was enough recognition for Hoseok. 

Once his son had a fresh diaper and his onesie changed, Hoseok picked him up and carried him back to your bedroom. Hongil was happy in his appa's arms, his head resting on his shoulder, enjoying the warmth Hoseok brought. Hoseok always slept shirtless, so his body heat bled into your son and calmed him down. 

You were spread out on the bed, bundled up under the sheets like you always slept. Hair was in your face, mouth hung open, but Hoseok just had to smile. To him, you always looked beautiful, even when you were out cold after staying up for many nights with your fussy son. 

He kept one hand holding Hongil while he used his free hand to rub your thigh, finding his own form of comfort just by touching you. 

You were truly Hoseok's superhero; your pregnancy was filled with complications, often leading to you staying in the hospital for the last month of your term, and the birth was somehow even worse. While you were suffering, Hoseok suffered along beside you. At one point in time, he regretted getting you pregnant because of how horribly everything was going and it was all his fault. 

But now, with you sound asleep and your precious little baby in his arms, Hoseok came to realize that no, he didn't regret getting you pregnant. If he could go back in time and change anything, he'd hope you would have an easier pregnancy. 

"I love you," he mumbled, patting your thigh as gently as possible. 

The movement caused you to shift and let out an irritated whine, slowly opening your eyes to see your husband sitting up in bed, Hongil pressed to his chest. 

"Good morning, (Y/N)," Hoseok beamed, moving his hand away from you as you stretched and sat up. 

"Hi, Hobi," you yawned while straightening out your pajamas. "Happy birthday." 

You scooted closer to give your husband a kiss, simultaneously resting your hand on Hongil's back. "I didn't have time to get you a present, and you know I -"

"(Y/N)-ah, I don't need a present. Hell, I don't even want to think about sex," Hoseok laughed briefly, shaking his head. "I have everything right here. I want to have a lazy day with my chubby little baby and my amazing, beautiful wifey." 

That caused you to smile even wider and press another kiss to his cheek. Hoseok was so patient and understanding, which was part of the reason that you wanted him to be yours for the rest of your life. 

"Alright, but I think our chubby little prince is hungry," you said, pulling away to start unbuttoning your pajama shirt. 

Hoseok pouted childishly, not wanting to give up his baby, but he passed Hongil to you once you were ready. Then he leaned back against the headboard, grabbing the remote to put on a movie. "I think he's gonna have a rough time losing his baby fat. He's gonna get bullied at school, I just know it." 

You frowned and rubbed his shoulder. "Baby, we'll cross that bridge when we get to it. Either way, he's got us to talk to no matter what." 

Hoseok knew you were right; you were always right. Taehyung and Yoongi often joked with him and told him he was a 'yes man,' but he rolled his eyes and refused to lose his man-credit and admit it. You watched him grumble to himself as he watched the movie. 

"Baby, what are we watching? I didn't put on my glasses," you asked, squinting between the television and Hongil. 

"Winter Soldier," Hoseok replied, reaching out to rest his hand on your thigh again. 

After a few more minutes, Hongil was full and you were tired again, so Hoseok picked up your baby and burped him while you fixed your shirt and settled back down in bed. You rested your head in Hoseok's lap, cuddling his legs as you drifted off back to sleep. 

Hoseok didn't care that you slept through the majority of his birthday. He was happy that he could spend it with his family while it rained outside. 

And you did promise a makeout session later in the evening, which kept him going through the rest of his day.  

HER: BTS x Reader OneshotsUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum