Yoongi: Family Man

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Yoongi sighed as me mindlessly clicked on file after file, program after program. He adjusted bass and treble, played around with notes, but only disappointed himself. He couldn't put anything together anymore - he couldn't produce a single decent melody. He was at a wall. 

He knew he shouldn't be locked up in his at-home studio: office away from office building. He knew he should be on a break, getting adequate rest and eating lots and losing his abs because he didn't need them anymore, but he was a stubborn man. He didn't stop doing what he loved just because he was on a break. 

Min Yoongi was still an award-winning producer and still needed to create beautiful pieces for other artists - even for the other members, if they asked nicely. He still needed to do his job, even on a break. He felt useless if he didn't. 

But Yoongi also knew that he wasn't useless. He knew he was very successful, in and out of fame. Shit, he was very successful out of fame. 

His eyes drifted over to his far right, where the baby monitor was set up. There, on the little monitor, was a perfect view of his daughter's room. Hana laid in her crib, clutching her blanket as she cried hard. Pretty soon, he saw his beautiful wife, (Y/N), enter the light-yellow room. 

Yoongi loved his girls more than anything - including his job. They were the reasons he got out of bed everyday, why certain melodies turned into the sweetest love songs he's ever created, and why he allowed himself to smile. They were his entire universe, and he wouldn't have it any other way. 

Finally, after noticing that Hana wouldn't calm own, he left his studio and walked calmly up the stairs, his cat weaving in between his feet as he walked down the hallway. 

(Y/N) stood in the center of the room, looking like she was about to cry because Hana would not calm down. "Baby girl, you've been fed, you've been changed... What's wrong?" (Y/N) pleaded, bouncing little Hana carefully. It seemed to only make things worse. "Oh, why can't you talk?" 

Yoongi had to chuckle at that part. Hana was only two months old. 

"Babe, how about I try?" he suggested as he stepped into the room, a small smile on his face as (Y/N)'s eyes widened, immediately handing their baby over to him. "Bubs, I've tried everything! I seriously think she hates me because all she does is cry when I'm near her," she pouted, comically stomping her foot when Hana fell silent in Yoongi's arms. 

Hana rested her head on Yoongi's shoulder, her father's gentle hands supporting her neck and bottom. "She doesn't hate you, (Y/N)-ah. I just think she's more of a daddy's girl, that's all," he mumbled, kissing his wife's forehead lovingly before doing the same to Hana's temple. "Is that it, baby girl? You just miss me, so you're giving Momma a hard time?" 

(Y/N) chuckled lightly as Hana started to fall asleep on Yoongi's shoulder. "Okay, babe, you look like you crawled out of a cave. Please go shower," he chuckled, blocking his wife's kick with a leg. "Wow, thanks, Yoongi! You're so freaking nice!" she growled, turning to walk out of the room. Her husband almost missed, but he landed a playful slap to her ass as she headed to the bathroom. 

"I love you, babe!" 

He tried so hard not to drop Hana as he heard a distant, "This is what I get for marrying my best friend. I should have listened to (F/N)." 

Once back in his studio, Yoongi situated Hana so that she was cradled in his left arm, head nestled up against his chest. One of her little hands clutched his t-shirt tightly, almost as if he would disappear if she let go. 

"Baby girl, your momma's insane. Can you believe I've known her since fifth-grade?" he mumbled, knowing Hana probably wasn't listening to him. "Still, I love her a lot. I really hope you get more of her personality traits." 

He went back to editing some previously-made demos of a song for the artist Crush, his precious baby sleeping soundly in his arm. If he was honest with himself, he would admit that times like this were his favorite.

Yoongi loved working from his home. He could be close to his family, but also close to work and getting things done. Plus, he usually got really great song ideas when he was holding Hana or when (Y/N) would come home from work and, after putting the baby down for a nap, sit in Yoongi's lap and talk about her day while he worked. 

Maybe, when Hana gets older, he would have another baby to share this with. But for right now, he was at peace as he clicked to a blank document, beginning to write out some pretty decent lyrics. 

idfk anymore this makes no sense I hate myself-

Happy Days!

- Tae

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