Hoseok: Christmas Cutie

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Hoseok decided to take you out for a coffee run, even though it was snowing. It didn't really faze you that much, since you had a large coat and your adorable Sunshine to keep you warm, but the thought of being snowed in a coffee shop really wasn't pleasing. Still, you agreed and let Hoseok drag you through the two inches of snow already on the ground.

"What would you two like?" the barista said once it was your turn in the line. Hoseok smiled at her and said, "Two hot chocolates and one apple cake, please." The both of you lived for apple cake and would always end up fighting for the last bite, which you always got. He was way too good to you. He paid and pointed to a table by the window. "Go save that seat while I wait."

You stared at the snow falling outside the window. You didn't realize Hoseok joined you until you felt a pair of lips on the top of your head. "(Y/N)-dear," he cooed as he sat down across from you. He took off his jacket and hung it on the back of his chair, revealing his cute Christmas sweater. It was green, with cats in Santa hats and bells on it. His bright red hair made it look like he was Christmas in human form, and you giggled.

"What?" he said, his heart-shaped smile washing across his face. You shook your head and took a sip of your hot chocolate with a smile. "You're just so cute, Hobi." He blushed, tips of his ears turning red, and also sipped on his hot chocolate. You grinned even more; shy Hoseok was the cutest Hoseok.

The two of you quietly sipped on your drinks and ate the apple cake slowly, discussing the weather and plans for Christmas. The two of you decided to go spend Christmas with Hoseok's family this year, since the two of you spent it with your family last year. You both wanted your families to come together and have a huge Christmas, but that required a large house, and you only lived in a small apartment at the moment. Still, you and Hoseok both made good money, and you have been saving up for a big house for a long time.

A huge grin washed across your face as Hoseok unknowingly ate the last bite of the apple cake. He looked at you, then the plate, and his eyes widened. "I'm sorry," he said, but you shook your head. "No, I always get it. I decided to let you have it, plus my system has been acting badly to sweets lately. But I'm fine, don't worry," you replied, holding his hand. He smiled his huge smile, eyes filled with admiration. "Thank you, deary!"

"God, Hobi. Why are you so damn cute!?" you said with fake anger, leaning across the table to pinch his cheeks. He giggled and shrugged, letting you squish his face for a few seconds. "I just am!" he cheered, doing his angel aegyo for you. The bells on his sweater jingled a little with his movements. Your boyfriend was honestly the cutest thing in the world.

Hoseok calmed down and laid his hands on the table palms-up, a gesture for you to hold his hands. You placed your own in his, sighing at how warm they were. "Ooh! Cold baby!" he chuckled, eyes wide as he rubbed his thumbs along the back of your hands. A wave of silence fell upon you two, so you gazed out the window.

Snow was starting to fall a little, so you turned back to Hoseok. "Hobi, can we go back home now? We can cuddle there," you asked, blushing when lust filled Hoseok's eyes and his cute act dropped. "We can cuddle..." he trailed off, an evil smirk on his face. You gasped and pinched his hand. "Dirty boy!" you whisper-yelled, earning a hearty laugh and a head shake. The lust was gone from Hoseok's eyes, replaced by love. "I'm not in the mood for that, either. I'd like to cuddle, too. Let's go home."

short like me. I ran out of plot for this. lol. Happy Days!

- Tae

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