Namjoon: Smart Boy

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The next few updates are all gonna be for Valentine's day. You're welcome.

You sighed as you opened your locker door. The school was decked out in hearts and cute things for Valentine's day, and you couldn't bear to look at it. Since you were one of the biggest history nerds your high school had ever seen, you knew what Valentine's day was truly about. It was about Saint Valentine's Massacre, which occurred on the tenth of February, not the fourteenth. The holiday, in your opinion, should be more like the Purge instead of about love.

The hall was filled with couples hugging, kissing, talking, etc. You didn't have many friends, but the ones you did have were hanging on boys and acting like they had never been educated before in their lives. It honestly grossed you out and made you question humans and their capacities for knowledge.

Maybe that was why you were single. You analyzed things, always hung out in the bookstore and spent so much time maintaining your 3.9 GPA  that no one found you mildly attractive. But you liked being smart and didn't want to be a stupid girl, like all the others in this forsaken school.

"Mr Kim, look where you're going next time!" You heard the infamous voice of the calculus teacher scold a student after the sound of falling books. A smile graced your face as you pushed your ponytail off of your shoulder and rolled your eyes. You knew exactly who that student was and to say you two weren't close would be a complete lie.

"Yes sir. I'm really sorry," Namjoon said quietly and you pictured him giving an awkward bow before the teacher went to his classroom. Kim Namjoon was probably the only guy who took the slightest interest in you, not to mention he was the hottest boy on the academic bowl team. Well, he was one of the hottest boys in the entire school. The intelligence was just a lucky charm.

The feeling of someone behind you make you smile and shake your head as you packed your bookbag for the last class of the day, which was AP world history. It was one of your favorites, since you got to sit next to Namjoon and lecture him since you knew the subject like the back of your hand.

"Happy Purge, Namjoonie," you said with a small chuckle before looking to your left. Sure enough, Namjoon stood there with his textbook in hand, as well as a small bouquet of roses. He brushed his orangish-blonde hair out of his eyes with his free hand, blush evident on his cheeks. "Happy Purge, (Y/N)-ah. Um, I got you these... I know you don't like this holiday, but...yeah." You giggled as his shyness and gingerly took the roses from him.

They were light yellow with orange around the fringes of the petals. They smelled sweet and reminded you of a sunny day. You looked to Namjoon, who had a fond smile on his face and you couldn't help but smile at the sight of those dimples. "Thanks, Joonie. Ready to learn about why you never invade Russia?" you asked once you closed your locker and held your free hand out to him. He took your hand in his and both of you blushed a little.

"Unless you're the Mongols. They got their shit figured out," he replied as the two of you walked to AP world history. You gasped jokingly and leaned into him. "Oh, a guy who actually listens to me! I need me a mans like that," you said melodramatically. Namjoon blushed and huffed out a nervous laugh. ""

He shifted on his feet and stopped before the classroom door, which was closed. He turned to face you and your smile dropped, a frown of concern washing over your face. Namjoon stared down at your clasped hands as he rubbed his thumb on the back of your hand. After a moment, he sighed and looked to you again.

"(Y/N)... I know you think this holiday is overrated and inaccurate, but you're my Valentine this year. You're very smart, pretty, funny... I can't help but fall for you. I like you a lot," he mumbled. You were shocked, to say the least. Kim Namjoon, your crush/nerdy guy friend, liked you back. You smiled wide and leaned closer to him, popping up on your toes to peck his cheek the best you could.

Namjoon stared, wide-eyed, at you with a cherry-red face. You giggled and leaned into his side. "I like you a lot, too. Now come on," you said as you pulled him into the classroom.

HER: BTS x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now